chapter 3: biology and neuroscience Flashcards
main interpreter of both the event in your body and those in the outer world, overall purpose is to create behaviour and make sense of the surroundings
human nervous system
makes up the central nervous system, the ultimate problem solvers that send and receive information to and from all areas of your body
brain and spinal cord
cells that transmit electrical impulses
brain’s communicators that provide structural support
glial cells
anything related to nervous system structure or function
interconnected group of dendrites and axons of many neurons dedicated to a set of functions
neural networks
extensions for the membrane of the cell body and they receive chemical messages from other neurons
can tell the neuron to activate (excitation) or quiet down (inhibition)
proteins that are embedded in the membranes that binds with neurotransmitters that help communication in the nervous system
cell body of a neuron, the location of metabolic processing and contains the cell’s organelles
a long, narrow projection from the cell body that transmits the signal from the soma to the end of the axon
the beginning of the axon, intersection between soma and axon
axon hillock
the part of axon that releases the neurotransmitter, once action potential gets to the axon terminal, it triggers the release of the neurotransmitter
axon terminal
“synaptic knobs”, they very end of the axon terminal where neurotransmitters exit into the synapse
terminal buttons
little bubbles at the terminal button that store neurotransmitter molecules, which are then released in the synaptic cleft
space between the end of the neuron that releases a neurotransmitter and the end of the receiving neuron
synaptic cleft
small fluid-filled gap between neurons into which neurotransmitters are released
the portion of the neuron that releases the neurotransmitter into the synapse
presynaptic neuron
the other side of the synapse, contains receptors ready to bind with neurotransmitters released from the presynaptic neuron
postsynaptic receptor
a protein and fatty substance that wraps around the axon to protect and increase the speed of action potential
breaks in the myelin that helps the signal travel down the axon by allowing ions to enter and change the charge inside the cell for a more efficient transmission
nodes of ranvier
caused by the natural imbalance of electrical charge that exists between the inside and outside of the axon, rests at -70mV (more sodium on the outside and potassium on the inside maintained by unequal permeability of the membrane and the sodium-potassium pump)
resting potential
charge is far from 0
refers to when we are moving away from being polarized, the more depolarized = more likely to get action potential
small influx of sodium ions trigger a cascade of voltage sensitive sodium ion channels, allowing more sodiums to move to the inside of the membrane down the concentration gradient, causing the membrane potential to raise to +40mV, if enough sodium gates open to reach threshold, action potential occurs
potassium channels open and they move to the outside of the axon down the concentration gradient, causing the membrane to drop back to -65mV, leaving the membrane with more sodium on the inside and potassium on the outside
another action potential can’t happen until proper concentration is established so ATP attaches to sodium-potassium pump, allowing 3 sodiums out and 2 potassiums in to re-establish the balance
causes a neuron to move closer to activation (more positive)
causes the charge inside a neuron to move away from the activation (more negative)
mimic the action of an endogenous neurotransmitter
neurotransmitter naturally produced by the body
prevent the action of the endogenous neurotransmitter
a chemical that either partially enhances, mimics, or blocks a neurotransmitter action, meaning that they activate the receptor with less power than endogenous neurotransmitter
partial agonists/antagonists
excitatory, helps with learning and movement
inhibitory, helps with learning, anxiety regulation through inhibition of neurons, binds to its receptor to open chloride channel
excitatory, helps with learning and muscle action, binds to its receptor to open sodium channel
excitatory/inhibitory, helps with learning and reward/pleasure
excitatory/inhibitory, helps with elevation/depression of mood
serotonin and norepinephrine
excitatory/inhibitory, helps with regulation of pain responses
“caretaker”, provide structural support for neurons, bring nutrients, remove waste and dead neurons, and speed up electrical impulses
glial cells
glial cells that wrap the myelin insulation in the central nervous system
glial cells that wrap the myelin insulation in the peripheral nervous system
Schwann cells
glial cells that help get nutrition to neurons and maintain the balance of charged particles inside and outside of the neuron
glial cells that clean debris and get rid of germs
disorders which neuron die over time and cause progressive loss of a particular ability (dysfunctional astrocytes have been implicated in this disorder)
neurodegenerative diseases
a large bundle of axons from many neurons together in a tube that extends a large distance, extend from cell bodies that are in the CNS
axons that carry signals away from CNS to trigger neurotransmitter or hormone release in organs or muscles
axons that carry signals back to CNS from organs and muscles
the ability of neurons and their networks to change and adapt
all the cells and support inside the skull vertebral column (brain and spinal cord), contains gray matter (neurons and glia) and white matter (bundled of myelinated axons
central nervous system
local processing of information
gray matter
helps different areas of the brain to share information by connecting neurons via axons and dendrites
white matter
the nerves outside the skull vertebral column, as well as the specialized sensory endings (retinal cells, touch receptors, hair cells in the ear)
peripheral nervous system
“information highway of the body” conducts simple reflex-level processing and communication with PNS
spinal cord
“voluntary” controls the movement of the torso, head, and limbs, nerves that control and communicate with skeletal muscles
somatic nervous system
“automatic” controls the more automatic functions of the body, anything below the level of consciousness
autonomic nervous system