Chapter 3 Biological and Psychological Positivism Flashcards
Require knowledge of our world through observable facts and other information gained through our senses, Follows a classical method (experimental) used by the natural sciences to gain knowledge. Not interested in anything that is not observable
The scientific study of biological factors associated with the development of an engagement in criminal behaviour
What were Lombarso’s findings about criminal faces?
-Symmetry of Criminals
STIGMA that people are criminals based on their appearance
Examples of Lombarso’s symmetry of criminals theory
- Large jaw
- Tattoos
- small chin
- left-handed
- 2 rows of teeth
- Asymmetrical face
____ Positivism:
- born criminals
- insane, imbecile, alcoholics
____ Positivism:
- Sociological based
- Came involved in crime due to environment
- Lack of socializaton
- Criminal by passion
Became involved in crime as a result of their environment
Lack of socialization
Habitual Criminal
Who claimed that women have not come as far as males on the evolutionary scale
Who believed that the nature of the criminal is determined by character of the institution and traditions
the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits
The science of good breeding
Eugenics (began in 1924)
How many women were forcibly sterilized by 1972
When was the sterilization law repealed?
1972, however 308 intellectually challenged were forced to be sterilized in 1976
What is passive eugenics?
IUD device (AH Robins and Dalkon Shield) 4.5 million sold worldwide. 70s and 80s sold to women in underdeveloped countries and many died
Theory that states that individuals who engage in criminal acts are viewed as having lack of self-control
A General Theory of Crime by Gottfredson and Hirschi 1990.
Who contradicts A General Theory of Crime?
Patrick Duffy “The railroad Rapist” 80s.
-argument was that he had self control.
Causes of crime?
- Impulsive personality
- Lack of self-control
- Biological and Psychological factors
- Familial and extrafamilial factors