chapter 3 Flashcards
what are telescopes that use mirrors to collect the incoming light called
what do modern advances in telescopes design include
segmented mirrors
honeycombed mirrors
computer controlled mirror actuators
what type of telescope mont allow the viewer to follow a star with only one telescope
equatorial (german) mount
how many modern constellations are there
according to Bayer’s system what is the name of the brightest star in the constellation Lyra
Lyrae Majoris
what is referred to when finding a star’s location using celestial coordinates
celestial equator
right ascention
besides the amount of light emmitted by a star, what else may affect a star’s apparent magnitude
distance from the earth
what is the distance that llight travels in one year
light year
what kind of galaxy is the milky way
spiral galaxy
what book of the Bible first mentions named constellations
what is the mane of the structure in England noted for its huge stones arranged in a circular pattern that some believe may be a solar observatory
what is the plane of the earths equator projected into the sky
star cluster
what color are the hottest stars
what kind of star changes in brightness because it expands and contracts regularly
cepheid variable
what is a star that explodes and sometimes leaves behind a neutron star called
super nova
the instrument that has done more to reveal the magnificence of the heavens than any other
Hubble Space Telescope
what are several stars in a group have the same motion called
star cluster
what is a group of millions of stars
a galaxy
what kind of nebula can be bvserved when they block the light from more distant stars or nebulae
a dark nebulae
what seem to be unusual, distance, rapidly moving objects that do not readily fit into the standard theories of the universe
what are two advantages of a radio telescope
discover quasers
radio waves
besides visible light, what is another kind of radiation that stars emit
uv rays
gamma rays
why can the Hubble Space Telescope detect stars to fait to be seen from the earth’s surface
outside the atmosphere
how do modern astronomers determine whether stars have moved
photographs observed over time
define Chromatic Aberration
a problem with simple refracter telescopes
define a composite telescope
uses both lenses and mirrors to gather light
what is a stationary pole-like device used to determine the position and motion of the sun by the shadow it casts
what detects wavelengths other than visible light
radio telescope
what was the first type of telescope invented
refractor telescopes
what has the ability to bring out details in an image
what is also known as celestial latitude
what is the measure of the brightness of a star
what is the star’s real movement across the sky (perpendicular to the line of sight)
proper motion
what is a star’s movement directly toward or away from the observer (Parallel to the line of sight)
radial motion
what is a star that sometimes increases many magnitudes in brilliance for a period of time, then returns to its normal brightness
what galaxy contains the earth’s sun
milky way
what is a large mass of dust and gasses in spacce
who discovered that whight light is made up of various colors
Sir Isaac Newton
which telescope has greater light-gathering ability
which star has the greatest magnitude
the sun
astronomers determine a star’s red shift in order to determine what