Chapter 16 Flashcards
What is actual height of a mountain?
The height of its summit above the surrounding terrain
What is relief?
The difference in height between a region’s highest and lowest points relative to sea level
What is a mountain range?
A series of mountain peaks is called a mountain range
What is a mountain system?
A group of mountain ranges is a mountain system
What is a depositional mountain?
Depositional mountains formed by the accumulation of rocks on the earth’s surface.
What are erosional mountains?
Erosional mountains are also called residual mountains. They are mountains that were carved out by extensive erosion, usually from a plot
What is a residual mountain?
Another name for an erosional mountain
What is a fold mountain?
Mountain formed by the folding of rock
What is anticline?
An arch of rock layers
what is a syncline?
A trough or downward fold of rock strata
What is a mono line?
A folder that occurs when one part of a rock layer is lifted relative to another along a fault forming what looks like a rounded step
What is a dome?
A structure in which the sedimentary strata arch upward like an inverted bowel
What is a basin?
The opposite of a dumb. Basins could have formed when magma drained away from reservoirs beneath sedimentary strata, allowing gravity to cause layers to sag
What is a joint?
A joint is a large crack in the rock along which no movement has occurred.
What is a fault?
A fault is a crack along which there has been slippage or movement
What is a normal fault?
If the body of rock under the fault rises in relation to the rock above the fault then the fault is called a normal fault
What is a reverse fault?
If the body of rock above the fault rises in relation to the other body, the fault is called a reverse fault
What is a strike-slip fault?
If the only motion along the fourth is horizontal, then the fault is called a strike-slip fault
What is a fault-block mountain?
A mountain bounded by one or more normal faults
What is oregeny?
Geologist call the origin of mountains oregeny
What is the geosyncline theory?
According to this theory, immense trough-like synclines, or geosynclines, many hundreds of thousands of kilometers in width and length, were gradually filled with sediment from surrounding terrain. The weight of the sediments cause the geosyncline to subside or sink, allowing more sediment to collect and solidify into rock. Later, an uplifting force push the sediment upward, folding and fracturing them into mountains
What is elevation?
A height measurement given in meters or feet above sea level
What is the continental drift theory
All the modern continents had started in a large single continent call Ed Pangaea
What is Pangaea
A land mass surrounded by a global ocean
What is Panthalassa Ocean
The earths single water surrounding Pangaea
What is a rift
A crack in the oceans floor crust.
What is sea floor spreading
Lower density rock deep in the mantle rose in thermal plumes which collided with the underside of the lithosphere. The plume then splits and moved sideways pulling the lithosphere apart in yep directions.
What is a retinue plate
Distinct segments of the earths crust that seem to be slowly moving.
What is an island arc
String of islands
What is subduction
Is the process of the oceanic crust goes under the continental crust
What are plate tectonics?
An explanation for how the continents drifted and are continuing to drive today.uniform and Terry and geologist believe the plate tectonics provide the forces that have formed and are forming the mountains and other features of the earths surface. This is the underlying evolutionary theory of most physical geology today
What is runaway subduction?
This process involves a rapid slipping of oceanic plates under adjacent plates, moving it speeds of many kilometers per hour rather than just a few centimeters per year. This is a Creationary response to tech tonic plate’s
What is catastrophic plate tech tonic’s?
A Creationary Siri of the origin of the continents that suggests that the earths crust was created with a single supercontinent. This continent broke into tech tonic plates during the initial stage of the Genesis flood. Rapid subduction of the oceanic plates through the fragments of the con it’s a part to approximately there present-day positions in less than a year
What is the highest mountain on earth?
Mount Everest
Highest mountain in North America?
Mount McKinley
What is the highest mountain in the continental United States?
Mount Whitney
What is the most expensive mountain system on the earth?
The mid Atlantic Ridge
What are contour lines?
Any line on a map that shows elevation above or below some reference hi, such as sea level
What is a series of mountain ranges called
Mountain system
What is a series of mountain peaks called?
Mountain range
What type of mountains of the sierra Nevada?
Fault – block mountain
Where did noah’s Ark rest?
Mount Ararat
Where did Abraham offer his son Isaac?
Mount Mariah
What mountain will Jesus return to?
Jesus left the earth from the mound of olives and promised to come back one day
Who was the first person to reach the top of Mount Everest?
Sir Edmund Hillary
When did the erosional process that formed maces and buttes occur?
During the flood
Who was Alfred Wegener?
Believed that all modern cotton started as a single large continent called Pangaea. He points out the similar fit of continental shorelines, similar geologic features and regions of the modern continents that were adjacent to each other in the beginning, and the existence of similar kinds of fossils in these regions.