Chapter 14 Flashcards
What is an ore?
An ore is A rock containing one or more minerals that are the source of elements or compounds important industry or agriculture
What is an element?
A substance composed of one kind of Adam, that is, Adam is having the same number of protons in their nuclei
What is a native mineral?
A native mineral contains only one kind of Adam and is therefore a pure element. Gold and silver are native minerals
What is a compound?
Atoms of several elements can combine to form a compound. Most minerals are compounds
What is a mixture?
A substance that contains several elements or compounds in varying proportions. For example, saltwater can have different amounts of salt and water but still be saltwater
What is a streak?
A streak is the color of a mineral’s powder
What is a streak plate?
A streak plate is a piece of unglazed porcelain. Rubbing the specimen on a streak plate produces a clear streak
What is Luster?
Luster is the quality and intensity of the light reflected from a mineral’s surface
What is accretion?
Crystals enlarge by adding particles to their structure on the exposed surfaces, a process called accretion
What is cleavage?
Cleavage is the characteristic of some minerals to separate in the flat sheets or a long certain planes.
What is fracture?
Send minerals do not show cleavage planes but seem to have some pattern in their breaking. This is the property of fracture
What is the hardness test?
A hardness test is a simple procedure which determines the ability of a mineral to withstand scratching and abrasion
What is the Mohs scale?
On the Mohs scale, minerals range from one which is very soft to 10 which is very hard
What is specific gravity?
Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of water at 4°C
What is the flame test?
The flame test identifies some minerals that produce characteristic colors of flame or residue when they burn
What is an acid test?
Applying acid to carbonates sulfides and sulfites produces fizzing and bubbles. Reactions can be used to identify the minerals
What is magnetism?
Some minerals can be picked up by magnets, and also some of them are strong enough to pick up small pieces of iron
What is a lodestone?
The compass was developed during the 12th-century. Because magnetite could be using a Compass, it was called lodestone
What is radioactivity?
Minerals are radioactive if their atomic nuclei change by giving of particles and rays.
What is luminescence?
Some minerals glow when their place under ultraviolet light. This glow is called luminescence. They produce the school by absorbing invisible ultraviolet light and giving off visible light
What does fluorescent mean?
Minerals that he meant light while absorbing radiation from another source are fluorescent
What does phosphorescent mean?
Some minerals emit light not only when they are illuminated but also after the light sources removed. Such minerals are phosphorescent
What is refraction?
All transparent minerals bend light as it passes through them and the amount of bending can be used to identify the minerals. This bending is called refraction.
What is double refraction?
A few trans parent mineral show double refraction. They produce a double image as light passes through then
What is polarization?
Many mineral crystals can bend light in another way. If a white wave is filtered so that it vibrates in only One Direction, a process known as polarization, these minerals can rotate the polarized light entering them to a different angle
What is a mineral?
A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline solid with a definite chemical composition
One of the densest made of minerals, having a specific gravity of about 19.
Placer deposits
The stream deposits were eroded gold or other minerals are found are called placer deposits
Panning for gold washes away the lighter materials and exposes the gold nuggets, the larger pieces of gold
Sluicing involves washing settlement so that the flecks of gold collect behind crossbars in a trough called a sluice
Dredging can separate the metal from thousands of cubic yards of sand and gravel
Silver has a specific gravity of 10.5 and a color and straight of silver – white. Because silver is more common than gold, it is less valuable. Silver conducts electricity better than any other metal. It is also used in photographic film and for mirrors
Copper occurs in your regular masses sheets and twisted strands. Copper conducts heat and electricity well. It is used in electrical wiring and in cookware refrigeration pipes and other places where heat conduction is important
Platinum has a specific gravity of 21.5 which makes it denser than gold. It is also more valuable than gold. It was named platina from the Spanish word for silver, Plata
Diamond is a native mineral composed of pure in organic carbon. Diamond is the hardest known mineral, has a perfect cleavage and it has a greasy luster before it is cut
Diamond pipes
Round vertical columns of formally molten rock. Diamonds are usually found in diamond pipes
Unit of weight for Gems
Sulfur is identified by it’s yellow color in conchoidal fracture
Frasch process
In this process superheated water is pumped down to the sulfur deposit and compressed air forces the mouth and sulfur up through another pipe to the surface
The most abundant class of minerals is the silicates. They make up about 25% of all known minerals and about 40% of common ores. More than 90% of the Earth’s crust consists of silicate
Sides or non-silicates composed of oxygen and some other element, usually a metal. Many mineral oxides are important economically because they are the cheif source of important metals
Mineral sulfides are composed of one or more metals and sulfur.
Carbonates or minerals containing a metal ion in the carbonate ion. A carbonate ions contains a carbon and three oxygen Adams that combines with metals easily