Chapter 3 & 4 Flashcards
What is an agreement
God made a covenant with Mosses on ____ ____
Mount Sinai
The covenant God made with Mosses is the __ ________
10 commandments
God referred to himself as who
“I am who am”/YAHWEH
What are the commandments about
1-3 God, 4-10 Neighbor
What is the first commandment
Do not have gods other than God
What is the second commandment
Do not take God’s name in vain
What is the third commandment
Keep Holy the Lord’s Day
What is the Sabbath for Christians
What is the Sabbath for Others (Jews and etc.)
What is the fourth commandment
Honor your parents
What is the fifth commandment
Do not kill
What is the Holy Trinity
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
What happened in the parable of the 2 sons
The father forgave the youngest son
What is conversion
change of heart and turning back to God
We are always given the grace to _____