Chapter 29 - Vertebrates Flashcards
What are the 5 defining characteristics of the phylum Chordata?
- Notochord
- Dorsal hollow nerve cord
- Pharyngeal slits
- Post-anal tail
- Endostyle/Thyroid gland
What is the body plan and embryotic development in Chordates?
Bilateral deuterostomes
What are the germ layers/types of tissue Chordates have?
Triploblastic eucoelomates
What is a Notochord?
- Flexible, rod structure derived from mesoderm tissue
- Provides rigid support and muscle attachment sites
What is a Dorsal Hollow Nerve Cord?
- Hollow tube derived from ectoderm
- Develops into brain and spinal cord (central nervous system)
What are Pharyngeal slits?
Openings to the pharynx that allow connection between the external environment and pharynx (ex. gill support, ear development, filter-feeding)
What is a post-anal tail?
Posterior tail that extends beyond the anus that has skeletal and muscular components
In aquatic species of Chordata, what is the post-anal tail used for?
In terrestrial species of Chordata, what is the post-anal tail used for?
In humans and great apes, what is the post-anal tail used for?
It’s reduced to the coccyx
What is the Endostyle/Thyroid gland?
Mucus-producing tissue in the pharynx
What are the 2 Chordate clades that are invertebrates?
Cephalochordata (lancelets) & Urochordata (tunicates)
What is the subphylum of Chordata?
Vertebrata (Craniata)
What is a cranium in Chordates?
a bony, cartilaginous or ligamentous structure surrounding the brain, including jaw bones and facial bones
True or False: Bilateral animals almost always have a head but not all have a cranium
What’s 1 major novel evolutionary adaptation that Vertebrata/Craniata have?
Vertebral column (spine)
True or False: Both embryos and adults have notochords
False: Embryos have a notochord, but vertebral segments replace that in adults
What 2 characteristics make up the Subphylum Vertebrata?
- Have a jaw (Gnathostomes)
- No jaw (Agnathostomes)
Gnathostomes are divided into…
- Fishes
- Tetrapods
What can Tetrapods be divided into?
- Amphibians
- Amniotes
Which animal is the earliest vertebrate?
Are fish active or sessile feeders?
What are the 2 groups of Chordata: Fish?
- Agnathastomes - jawless
- Gnathostomes - jawed
What do Agnathastome Fish have?
A cranium and brain
What are the 2 classes of Agnathastome Fish?
Myxini (hagfish) & Petromyzontida (lamprey)
What are the 2 extremely important novel traits that Gnathastome Fish have?
- True, hinged jaw
- Paired pectoral fins & pelvic fins
What does the evolution of a hinged jaw allow animals to do?
- Grasping and tearing food
- Made additional food sources available
What does the evolution of pectoral and pelvic fins allow animals to do?
Accurate movement
What are the 2 classes of Gnathastome Fish?
- Chondrichthyes
- Osteichthyes
Describe the class of Chondrichthye Fish
- Cartilaginous jawed fish (sharks, rays, skates)
- Abrasive skin covered with placoid scales
- Well-developed sensory system
- Dorsolaterally flattened
- Unequal-sized fins
- Breathe through gills
How does the increased surface area of gills help it be a respiratory organ?
Increased surface area ensures that enough oxygen can be absorbed from oxygen-poor water
Diffusion occurs from [high or low] concentration to [high or low] concentration
High; Low