Chapter 26: Unmanned Space Exploration Flashcards
The ( 1967 Outer Space Treaty / Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 ) stated that the space world would be used “exclusively for peaceful purposes”
1967 Outer Space Treaty
The ( GPS / DPS ) permits users to instantly determine their position, provides their velocity and time, and is more accurate than any radio system
Which of the Explorer satellite series discovered the Van Allen Radiation Belts?
Explorer I
Studied the sun’s production of x-rays, gamma rays, and other radiation
Orbiting Solar Observatory
What series of observatories improved knowledge of interstellar gases?
Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAOs)
What observatory discovered bursts of gamma rays and jets of x-rays from the galaxy Centaurus A?
High-Energy Astronomy Observatory (HEAO)
What explorer-class spacecraft studied white dwarfs, black holes, and active galactic nuclei?
Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite
Solved the problems of light pollution and atmospheric interference
Hubble Space Telescope
What NASA spacecraft studied the reaction between sunlight and earth’s ozone layer?
Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME)
What NASA satellite studied the interaction of earth and radiation energy from the sun?
Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS)
What NASA satellites study how air, land, water, and life interact on earth?
Earth Observing System (EOS)
Which series of probes provided the first close-up pictures of the moon’s surface?
The Rangers
What series of probes helped gather information which helped Apollo landing planners know what to expect?
The Surveyors
What family of probes conducted flyby missions investigating Mercury and Venus?
The Mariners
Launched in 1966-1967, what were the five probes called which provided high-quality photographs of the moon’s entire surface?
Lunar Orbiters
What probes provided the first close-up pictures of Jupiter and Saturn?
The Pioneers
Which space probes investigated Mars using both orbiters and landers and tested soil samples?
The Vikings
Which spacecraft flew past Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and now head for interstellar space?
The Voyagers
What spacecraft did the ESA launch to investigate Halley’s Comet?
Launched in 1966 to investigate Martian geology, resources, climate, and weather
Mars Global Surveyor
Put the first rover on another planet to perform rock and soil composition experiments
Mars Pathfinder
Launched to take direct measurements of Jupiter’s atmosphere and explore its moons
International robotic probe sent to Saturn to study rings, atmosphere, magnetosphere
Unmanned exploratory spacecraft traveling beyond earth’s orbit
Spacecraft that orbit the earth
Sputnik, the first Soviet satellite, established the rights of satellites to
Fly over countries without permission
________ communications satellites reflect radio or television signals
________ communications satellites amplify the signals before return.
The GPS positioning accuracy will vary depending on the user’s
Answer key: Selective Availability & Precise Positioning Service
Book: equipment & atmospheric conditions
What kind of satellites are DMSP, GOES, NIMBUS, TIROS?
Weather satellites
Name 2 multi-spectrum Imaging satellites
What is a known reconnaissance satellite?
Defense Support Program (DSP) satellite system
The International Telecommunications Union Policy of “first come, first served” in assigning Geostationary Orbits (GEO) conflicted with what principle of space law?
The Equal Access For All principle
How did nations respond to the International Telecommunications Union Policy?
Eight equatorial nations responded with the Bogota Declaration (1976) in which they claimed sovereignty over the GEO above their territories
Provides weather data exclusively to the military using an optical system to provide visual and infrared cloud data
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)
What are the two categories of scientific satellites missions?
Orbital Astronomy and Environmental Analysis
(Sole purpose: gaining information)
What are L4 and L5?
Points in space where the body will be an equilibrium; the most likely potential place for future space colonies
Which of these spacecraft launch agencies has only recently been acknowledged to exist?
a. Commercial
b. Military
c. Civilian
d. National Security
d. National Security
Which of the following is not a source of space law?
a. Customs
b. Treaties
c. UN decrees
d. International courts
c. UN decrees
The Land Remote Sensing Commercialization Act did which of the following?
a. Allowed the sale of government data
b. Set limits on the quality of the data that could be sold
c. Directed the data be provided to all customers at the same costs
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Which member of the 1998 International Space Station agreement started participating in 1993 and signed the new 1998 agreement?
a. Japan
b. Russia
c. Canada
d. European Space Agency
b. Russia
Scientific application satellites gather information that may or may not have immediate use.
What was the first telecommunications satellite?
The SCORE satellite (Signal Communications by Orbiting Relay Equipment)
TRANSIT and TIMATION were precursors to the Global Positioning System
Taking photos and infrared observations are the only activities of reconnaissance satellites.
(4 major purposes: providing early warning by detecting enemy missile launches, detecting nuclear explosions, electronic reconnaissance,and photo-surveillance)