Chapter 25 - The Great Depression Flashcards
Dust Bowl
A large drought in the midwest from Texas to the Dakotas
Black Shirts
A group in Atlanta that fought for the dismissal of all Blacks from their jobs until whites had jobs
International Labor Defense
aided black teen defendants in Scottsboro case, associated with communist party
Walter White
Secretary of the NAACP, implored blacks not to work as strikebreakers.
Robert and Helen Merrell Lynd
Wrote the book “Middletown” was the study of American Sociology
The Great Crash
Also known as Black Tuesday, the stock market crashed. October 29, 1929
Black Tuesday
the day the stock market crashed and most stocks became worthless Oct, 29, 1929
war payments that are mandatory to be paid
Total Money Supply
total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time
The reduction of the general level of prices in an economy
Bread Lines
lines of unemployed people waiting to receive free food
Economic Royalists
Blamed for the depression, people prominent in Finance and industry who in general opposed FDR’s tendency to centralize the government
Dale Carnegie
American Writer and developer of famous educational course in self-improvement, governmentship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People
Tobacco Road
novel by Erskine Caldwell about Georgia Sharecroppers. It became a popular Broadway Play
Native Son
a novel by Richard Wright about a young man living in extreme poverty in south side of chicago in the 30’s
The Popular Front
A broad condition of different political graphings, most important being communists
the opposition to facists ideologies, groups, and individuals
American Communists Party
organized unemployed, staged hunger marches in DC
Socialists Party
led by Norman Thomas, cited the economic crisis as evidence of the failure of capitalism
The Grapes of Wrath
The most succesful chronicler of social condition during the Great Depression, written by John Stanbeck
Herbert Hoover
President during the great depression, thought that it would fix itself
Agricultural Marketing Act
established the first major government program to help farmers maintain price
Hawley Smoot Act
raised tariff on over 20000 imported goods
villages set up by people who had lost their homes. Was called this to mock Hoover
Reconstruction Finance Cooperation
they were to give out 2 billion dollars in loans to insurance and railroad companies
Farmers Holiday Association
midewest farmers who endorsed thewithholding farm products from the market, organized by Milo Reno
Bonus Expeditionary Force
Group of WW1 Veterans who wanted the bonus that congress had promised them 20 years early
General Douglas MaxArthur
General Chief of Staff of the US army during the 30’s and played a prominent role in the Pacific threat in WWII
32 president elected, instituted the New Deal to counter the great depression
Brain Trust
the professors who advised FDR
Henry Luce
American Magazine who was called the most influential private citizen in the Americas of his day. Was in Life and Fortune Magazine