Chapter 21 - The Rise of Progressivism Flashcards
Social Cohesion
Belief that individuals are not autonomous but part of a great web of social relationships that the welfare of any single person is dependent on the welfare of society as a whole
crusading journalists who began to divert public attention toward social, economic, and political injustices
Ida Tarbell
a muckraker who studied the standard oil trust
Lincoln Steffens
Most influential muckraker who studied mainly urban political machines and boss rule in his book “The Shame of Our Cities”
Social Gospel
Concern over social injustices that were in the US
Salvation Army
Christian social welfare organization with a vaguely military structure that offered material aid and spiritual service to the urban poor
National Farm Bureau Federation
network of agricultural organizations designed to spread scientific farming methods,teach sound marketing techniques, and lobby for the interest of their members
New Women
product of social andeconomic charges that affected the private world
Boston Marriages
Women living with other women secretly romantic
Women who joined women’s clubs to contribute to social betterment. They never challenged traditional male dominated ideas
NACW (National Association of Colored Women)
African Americans formed clubs of their own. Modeled with white communities
Mother’s Pensions
Pensions for widowed or abandoned women with small children
Children’s Bureau
an agency directed to develope polcices to protect children
Women’s Suffrage
a movement that attracted support from both women and men but whose most important leaders were women
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Wrote about how women are equal and women should be accepted as a major role in society
Nineteenth Amendment
guaranteed political rights to women throughout the nation
Equal Rights Ammendment
a constitutional amendment that would provide clear, legal protection for their rights and would prohibit all discriminations on the basis of sex
Split Ticket
to vote for candidates of different parties for different offices
Commission Plan
mayor and council were replaced by an elected nonpartisan commision
Tom Johnson
pioneer in urban political and social reform USA representative and mayor of Cleveland
The ability to assess and initiate things independently
general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decisiom
people could remove incompetent politicians
Robert M LaFollette
Wisconsin Senator
Charles Murphy
known as “Boss Murphy”, head of New York’s Tammy Hall
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
a Fire in 1911 in NY that killed 146 workers because the doors were chained shut
Booker T Washington
said that one should work for immediate self improvement rather than long range social change
WEB DuBois
a Fisk University graduate who wrote “The Souls of Black Folk” which launched an open attack on the philosophy of the Atlanta Comprimise
Talented Tenth
the most educated and intelligent of the black race
Niagara Movement
An event at Niagara falls on the canadian side as hotels in American would not allow them to stay
Womens Christian Temperance Movement
The Single largest women’s orginization in American history against alcohol
Eighteenth Ammendment
prohibited the sale of alcohol in the US
the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurence of desirable heritable characteristics
Socialist Party
believed that production and exchange should be controlled by the state not by the governemnt. Debs was the last Socialist Candidate
Eugene Debs
Candidate for the socialist party in 5 elections. Strong political leader who was imprisoned in 1890 for encouraging a strike. Ran in 1912
Louis Brandeis
American lawyer and assembled justice on the supreme court who opposed bigness and its inefficiency
Herbert Croly
Leader of the progressive movement as an editor, political philosopher, and cofounder of the magazine “The New Republic” He wanted government intervention in business