Chapter 25 - The Employer☀️ Flashcards
What is an entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is a person who comes up with an idea and sets up a business to develop that idea at a profit.
Name 3 rights of an employer.
- To hire the most suitable people to fill vacancies that may arise
- To dismiss employees due to bad conduct or a poor standard of work
- To receive loyalty from the employees e.g. Respecting Property
Name 3 responsibilities of an employer.
- To obey all employment laws e.g. Holidays
- To be an ‘equal opportunities employer’ i.e. Not to discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, religion etc.
- To pay a fair wage for the work that is done
What is a human resource manager?
The human resource manager is responsible for the employees of the firm.
Name some of the main steps taken when employing new staff.
- Draw up a plan for each job showing what the person is required to do and what qualifications and experience they should have (job description).
- Draw up a job advertisement, making sure to say ‘person’ and to not discriminate
- Decide where the advertisement should be placed.
- Collect all the replies which include curriculum vitae. Draw up a shortlist.
- Arrange for interviews to be held
- Send the most suitable staff contracts
- Arrange for the new staff to be introduced to the other staff
What does ‘discriminate’ mean?
Discriminate means to treat one person less favourably then another, for example because one is a man and one is a woman
What is a probationary period?
A probationary period is a trial period. The new employee may be let go after this period if they are not suitable for the job.
What is a wage?
If the payment is based on the number of hours worked or the quantity of goods produced, it is called a wage.
What is a salary?
If the employee receives a fixed amount act time they are paid, it is called a salary.
What is an employer?
An employer is a firm who hire others, i.e. Employees, to work for them in return for payment.
What is basic pay?
The amount that the employee receives for a normal working week before any deductions have been made is called their basic pay. When an employee works extra hours, this is known as overtime.
What is gross pay?
Basic pay plus any overtime and bonus payments, is called their gross pay. This is what they earn before any deductions have been taken away.
What is time rate?
Where an employee is paid by the hour. The more hours you work, the more you get paid.
What is piece rate?
When an employee is paid for each unit of the firm’s product they produce.
What is commission?
Commission is where an employee is paid a percentage of the sales they make during the week or month.
What is the net pay?
An employee’s net pay (take home pay) is the actual amount of money they take home.
What are statutory deductions?
Deductions that the law says must be taken. They are:
PAYE (Pay as you Earn)
PRSI (Pay Related Social Insurance)/ USC (Universal Social Charge)
What is PRSI/USC used for?
- To pay Jobseeker’s Benefit
- To pay a regular income to those on maturity leave
- To pay a regular income to those who are retired
What are non-statutory deductions?
These are voluntary deductions. These include:
- Union subscriptions
- Private pension payments
- Health insurance such as VHI
What is a payslip?
A document that shows an employees:
- Gross pay
- Deductions
- Net pay
What are tax credits?
Employees do not have to pay all of their income tax. A certain amount, known as tax credit, is subtracted from the tax owed and the amount remaining is what the employee has to pay.
What are the methods of paying staff?
- In cash
- By cheque
- By electronic transfer to the employees account PAYPATH
Name one advantage and disadvantage of cash payment.
Adv: Being paid in cash may suit employees who do not have a bank account
Dis: There is a risk of theft, both from the employer while the cash is on premises and from the employee once they have been paid.
Name one advantage and disadvantage of cheque payment.
Adv: It is a very safe method of payment since the cheques are only of use to the person named on the cheque.
Dis: Employees must go to the bank to lodge their cheque before they can spend their money.
Name one advantage and disadvantage of Paypath.
Adv: Employees can get access to their money at any ATM
Dis: You must have a bank account.