Chapter 23: The New Era; The 1920s Flashcards
Warren Harding
Republican nominee for president WWI
~Who was elected in a landslide
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Increase in tariff rates during the presidency of Warren Harding
Teapot Dome Scandal
Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall caused this during Harding’s presidency
~Fall had accepted bribes for granting oil leases near Teapot Dome, Wyoming
~Harding died soon after the scandal broke
Calvin Coolidge
Harding’s Vice President and successor who won based on popularity in 1919 for Massachusetts governor
~Called “silent cal”
~Re-nominated in 1924 after only a year in office after Harding’s death
Herbert Hoover
Republican nominee in the Election of 1928 after Coolidge refused to run again
~Served under 3 presidents (Wilson, Harding, and Coolidge)
~Promised to extend “Coolidge prosperity”
Alfred Smith
Hoover’s Democratic opponent and governor of New York
~Roman Catholic and an opponent of Prohibition, was popular amongst immigrants in the cities
~Many Protestants were openly prejudiced against him
Henry Ford
Automobile manufacturer in America
~Perfected the assembly line
Open Shop
Means of keeping jobs open to non union workers were practiced by many companies in the 20s
Charles Lindbergh
A young aviator who in 1927 thrilled the nation and the entire world by flying nonstop across the Atlantic from Long Island to Paris
~Americans listened to the radio for news of his flight
~Welcomed his return to the U.S. with ticker parades larger than the welcome given to the returning soldiers of WWI
Sigmund Freud
Austrian psychiatrist who stressed the role of sexual repression in mental illness
Margaret Sanger
Advocate of birth control in the 1920s
Young women influenced by the movie stars at the time
~Wore dresses hemmed at the knee instead of the ankle
~Bobbed their hair
~Smoked cigarettes
~Drove cars
A large number of Protestants that defined their faith in new ways
~Caused a range of influences: the changing role of women, the Social Gospel movement, and scientific knowledge
~Took a historical and critical view of certain passages in the Bible and believed they could accept Darwin’s Theory of Evolution without abandoning their religious faith
A group of Protestant preachers in rural areas who condemned the modernists
~Taught that every word of the Bible must be accepted as literally true
~Key point was that creationism explained the origin of all life
~Blamed the liberal view of modernists for the decline of morals
“The Lost Generation”
Writers who scorned religion as hypocritical and bitterly condemned the sacrifices of wartime as a fraud perpetuated by money interests were the dominant themes of the leading writers
~F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Eugene O’Neill
~Took up drinking or moved to Europe
Form follows function
~Used by many architects in building a series of skyscrapers with little decor
Harlem Renaissance
In 1920, with a population of almost 200,000 Harlem became famous for its concentration of talented actors, artists, musicians and writers
~So promising was their artistic achievement that it was referred to as the Harlem Renaissance
~Saw poets and musicians as well as the UNIA
Marcus Garvey
Brought the United Negro Improvement Association from Jamaica into Harlem
~Advocated individual and racial pride for ideas of black nationalism
~His sale of stock in the Black Star Steamship Line led to federal charges of fraud
~He was tried, convicted, jailed and deported
United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)
A group who advocated individual and racial pride for African Americans
~Brought from Jamaica to Harlem by Marcus Garvey
~Collapsed when he was deported
Scopes Trial
When biology teacher John Scopes of Tennessee taught Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and was tried for it in court
~Scopes was directed by the American Civil Liberties Union to teach the theory although it was illegal to do so in Tennessee
~Trial was followed nationwide and Scopes was represented by the famous lawyer, Clarence Darrow
~Fundamentalist William Jennings Bryan testified for the prosecution as an expert on the Bible, however, Darrow made him look like a fool through cross-examination
~Darrow and modernists successfully discredited fundamentalism
Clarence Darrow
Famous lawyer who represented John Scopes
~Thoroughly discredited fundamentalism in his defense of John Scopes
18th Amendment
Prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages including: liquors, wines, and beer
~Led the Prohibition era as well as an era where temperance police ran rampant
~Also led to an era of defiance
~People drank at home, as well as at at speakeasies where bootleg (smuggled liquor) was sold
~People paid off officials, even President Harding served liquor to guests
Al Capone
A Chicago gangster who fought for control of the bootlegging trade
21st Amendment
Repealed the 18th Amendment
Quota Act of 1921
Limited immigration to 3% of the number of foreign born persons from a given nation counted in the 1910 census
~A maximum of 357,000
Quota Act of 1924
A second Quota Act passed to ensure that the law would discriminate against immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe
~Set quotas of 2% based on the Census of 1890
~Chiefly restricted the “undesirables”
Sacco and Vanzetti
Convicted in 1921 of committing robbery and murder in Massachusetts
~Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian immigrants
~Liberals protested that the two men were innocent and were only accused and sentenced to die, simply because they were poor Italians and anarchists
~Executed in 1927
Washington Conference (1921)
Ran by Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes to talk about resolution of problems in the Pacific
~Representatives from: Belgium, China, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal
~Three agreements came to fruition:
1. Five-Power Treaty: Nations with the 5 largest navies agreed to maintain the following ratio with respect to their largest warships: U.S. 5, G.B. 5, JP 3, FR 1.67, IT 1.67. Britain and the U.S. agreed not to fortify their possessions in the Pacific
2. Four-Power Treaty: The U.S., France, Britain, and Japan agreed to respect one another’s territory in the Pacific
3. Nine-Power Treaty: All 9 nations represented at the conference agreed to respect the Open Door Policy by guaranteeing the territorial integrity of China
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Renounced the aggressive use of force to achieve national ends
~Proved ineffective because:
1. Permitted defensive wars
2. Failed to provide for taking action against violators of the agreement
Dawes Plan
Established a cycle of payments flowing from the United States to Germany, and from Germany to the Allies
~U.S. banks would lend Germany huge sums to rebuild its economy and pay reparations to Britain and France
~Britain and France would use reparation money to pay the U.S.