Chapter 23 Magentic Fields Flashcards
With MAGENTIC fields what does the direction of the arrow tell you
What if lines are parallel
Where a free north would go to!
Means they are uniform magnetic field
When a wire carries current what happens
A MAGENTIC field is made around it
How ti find the direction of the MAGENTIC field
By using right hand rule, with thumb pointing in direction of the conegentionwl current, the fingers tell you direciton
What happens if a current carrying wire is placed in an external MAGENTIC field
What happens to both the wire AND the magnet
The fields will interest and as a result a RESULTSNT FORCE IS FELT on the wire, and the same force by newton 3rd law is equal and opposite and will be felt down wards by the magnet tok
How can you find the direction of the force felt
Using Flemings left hand rule, FBI, thumb index middle, thumb is force, index is direction of MAGENTIC field (which is north to south) and middle is direction of conventional current
What condtions must happen for this this force to be felt
Basicslly the MAGENTIC field and the current carrying wire must have a compoenent PERPENDICULAR TO EACH OTHER. If they don’t, (parallel) then there won’t be a force felt by the wire
What is the equation for MAGENTIC force thus
Where B is MAGENTIC flux density(strentgh if field), and x is the angle between the MAGENTIC field and the wire, so that a perpendicular component is used
How to find MAGENTIC flux density if a magnet in class using a weighing scale
With two magnets on the scale and wire travelling through them, will cause a resultant force either downwards or upwards based on direction . This wil be on the wire, so n equal and opposite force is felt on the MAGENTs
If the magnets pushed down, then the increases in weight (or mass and work out) is the force, and now you can rearrange.
However if magents lushed up, mass might go down, so find the modulus
Be clear, why will any charged particle moving through a MAGENTIC field experience a force?
Because current is the rate of flow of charge, so any charged particle moving will carry a current , and so will make its own MAGENTIC field, and this will interact with the current, and thus a resultant force is felt
When a bea, kf electrons travel through a MAGENTIC field, how will their motion be
This will be CIRCULAR
they feel a resultsnt force downwards, change direction, still fell resultsnt force perpendicular etc , speed doesn’t change, but direction does, thud circular motion
Acdlerwte towards centre
How ti derrive the equation of thr force felt by one charged particle in a magnetic field
Would be the same thing as F=BIL like before, however we just change it up
The particle will travel a length = VT inside the MAGENTIC field , so F=BIVT
The current is defined as the charge/t so F=BQVT/T
And thus F=BQV
Where the charge is normally the elementary fharge
Equation for force felt by one charged particle in a MAGENTIC field
If we know the equation for FORCE FELT by one charged particle, and know this charged particle is exhibiting circular motion, what can we equate !
That thr force for circular motion is rporivded by BQV
and thus MV2/r = BQV
What happens in a velocity selector and how is velocity “selected”
Velociy selector consists of a magnetic field forcing the charged particle one way and an electric field forcing it the other way . Only when the force felt from these fields are equal will there be no net force, meaning it will continue at the same velocity it was in and pass through the selector.
In this case EQ=BQV, and so E=BV, and V=E/B
Thus on,h certain velocities can pass through the selector, and this is a why you can confirm a particle is of certain gecko it’s
How do mass spectrometers use velocity selectors to work
What equations go on after it has left the vecoloty selector and what was point of velocity selector in the first place
Basically first atoms are singly ionised so they become charged but they all have the same charge.
- going through the velocity selector means the particles with a certain velocity are the only ones to escape.
- once escaped they meet a MAGENTIC field , which causes a resultsnt force perpendicularly and thus circular motion
- we said before if it exhibits circular motion, then mv2/r=BQV, and so r=mv/bq
- for same velocity(as this was selected), same mass , same MAGENTIC field and charge, the bigger mass ions will end up somewhere else on detector
- thus they can be detected and abundances measured
2) veocloty swlector ensured same velocity, so that only mass changes the radius
Okay we know current carrying wire perpendicular to MAGENTIC field will produce a force, but what about a force applied to a wire perpendicular to s MAGENTIC field?
This wil, produce a CURRENT!
What is this effect of generating electricity called and how do we determine DIRECTION OF CURRENT ?
Dynamo / generator effect
Use Fleming RIGHT HAND RULE, where thumb is direction of motion now
How you can explain the generation of “current” where is this energy coming from etc
When you lift a current less wire say upwards perpendicular to a mangentic field , the stationary electrons in the WIRE, have a “velocity” upwards REA,TIVE to the MAGENTIC field
All,y left hand rule. This will show a FORCE on the electrons in a direction of the wire.
This force drives them, makes the electrons move, and this movement of electrons = CURRENT!
Basically energy is being transferred from the motion so that energy is conserved
What is FLUX (compared to flux density ) and FLUX LINKAGE
Flux density is the strength of the MAGENTIC field, then like normal density is mass/ volume, flux density is like flux / area , so flux = density x area
Basically flux is the FLUX DENSITY component PERPENDICULAR to the cross sectional area it’s going through
Thus when an angle is vertical, FLUX = BACOS(x)
Flux linkage is the number of coils x thr flux
Thus flux linkage = BANcos x
Again equations for flux and flux linkage
Flux = BACOS x
Flux linkage = BAN cos x
(Same thing , when N is one, it’s the same thing)
Thus how can you use ideas fo flux and flux linkage to explain when emf is produced?
So what variables change will produce an emf?
Emf is produced when there is a CHANGE IN FLUX LINKAGE
- it’s flux linkage and not flux because the number of coils just represents the overall flux multiplied. It’s actually just a change in flux
THUS changed B, A, THETA, or even N will induce an EMF in the wire
Okay so we know when emf is produced (change if MAGENTIC flux linkage)
EMF = - chnage in flux linkage / change in time
Where does - from faraday equation come from?
Proptinal it’s constant from lenzs law
What is lenz law PURE DEFINITION
The direction of induced emf or current is always such to oppose the change producing it
Explain lenz law with just a simple wire moving down inducing current , with MAGENTIC field right to left
Okay we know that by right hand Fleming the direction if current induced is towards us
- this current will now have its own mangentic field right? So thus it will induce a force according to left hand rule.
- this will be UPWARDS DIRECTION, which if we remember is against the ORIGNAL thing that INDUCED THE CURRENT
Thus the current induced was in a direction such that it opposed the change that caused it,
Reducing a force against
Explain how lenzs law is used to show how energy is conserved when generating electrocut
What if there was no opposing force
You are having to do work AGAINST FORCE AGSISNT YOU, thus this work is being converted into electrical energy and energy is conserved
- otherwise if there was no firce agsisnt you, then you could just push down minor and generate free energy = not fair