Chaoter 24.3 Onwards Fundamental Force Wnd Psrticles Flashcards
What is antimatter why is it a thing
Just like energy , matter conserved too
Antimatter and matter was created equally in big bangs
What are properties of antimatter
Have same mass but
OPPSITE charge
Spin etc
What are all subatomic particles (matter and anti) split into 2 groups
Hadrons and leptons
How ti classify hadrons and leptons
Hadrons can experience all 4 fundamental forces particularly string nuclear
Leptons can’t experience strong nuclear
What are the 4 fundamental forces and why are they fundamental + ranges
String, weak nuclear ranges are very small (fm and less)
Grav and electromag with infinite range
Fundamental = they can explain every interaction on any level
What is hadrons split into and how to classify
Split into baryons and mesons
Baryons from 3 combo quark, mesons quark anti quark
What do we need to know for hadrons in particular for course
2 examples, protons neutrons which are hadrons and thus have 3 combo quark
What are quarks
Quarks is a fundamental particle. There are 6 of them and these make up all hadrons and 6 anti
However only need to know up down and strange
What are the fundamental particles then
All examples we need to know
Leptons and quarks
From leptons = neutrino and electrons, and anti
What is proton and neutron quark combo
UUD for protom
UDD for neutron
And reverse for anti
Charged in up down strange
Up = 2/3
Down =-1/3
Strange =-1/3
And anti is OPPSITE
How to use charges fo quarks to find the charge of overal hadron or vice Verca
Add all the charges on quarks
So protom = 2/3 + 2/3 -1/3 = 1e! Which is as we expect
What leptons do we need to know for course
Electron , neutrino and anti versions
How to remember what happens in beta minus and beta plus decay
Beta minus a minus particle emitted = electron
Beta plus a positive particle emitted = positron
And where matter released, antimatter released and vice Verca
So for beta minus as electron released we get anti electron neutrino
For beta plus we get positron so we got normal electron neutrino
What happens in beta minus
A neutron = proton + electron + anti electron neutrino
Beta plus what happens
A protom= neutron + positron + electron neutrino
How to Remmeber what changes proton to neutron or neutron to proton
For beta minus think if electron emitted so is proton , and that’s how you can remember
What happens in terms of quark decay in beta minus / plus
Well in minus a neutron becomes a proton, thus it goes from udd to uud
- as a result one d has decayed into a u
For beat plus a proton becomes a neutron
- thus uud to udd
- and a u decays to a d
How to rewrite beta minus and plus decay usign quarks
How is charge conserved Even in These equations
Beta minus
D —> u + electron + anti electorn neutrino
-1/3 —> 2/3 - 1 = -1/3 = conserved
Beta plus
U —> d + positron + electorn neutino
2/3 —> -1/3 + 1 = 2/3 = charge conserved
What’s the firce that is responsible for beta decay
Weak NUCKEAR force responsible for beta decay
What even is a neutrino
Neutrino is just a charmless very massless thing, whole purpose is so that conservation of momentum etc isn’t violated in beta decay
What quantities conserved in beta decays
Mass AND charge conserved specifically
Why in bith beta decays does the element change
Because beta minus neutron ti proton, so increase proton number
Beta plus proton to neutron, decrease proton number
Remember when writing equations with elements and experiences a decay what you automatically do
Automatically account for neutron or proton change
Remmeber anythign jeutron neutrino has no charge thus can’t be deflected by
MAGENTIC fields!
Only positive and negative things can be deflected by those and electric fields
When they say what forces do EACH NUCLEON EXPERIENCE what do they want (be careful)
Each nucleon no matter protom or neutron experiences grav + string nuclear
Don’t lack and say electrostatic firce because only the protons experience this, not all nucleons