Chapter 21 CAPACITANCE Flashcards
What is a capacitor made out of
Two metal plates, with some sort of insulation between the, known as a dielectric
What does a capacitor basicallt do
There separate electrical charge and store it on both plates
How does it work
How and when is it fully charged basicslly
First a potential difference externally drives a current which transfers electrons to one end of the plate .
Then by induction, as they can’t go through, the build up of electrons creates a charge which then repels electrons on the other plate, causing it to become positively charged, and this electrons move around the circuit.
As charge is conserved these plates both have a -Q and +Q charge. As a result there is a POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM TOO
This causes current to start going the other way, opposing the direction current INITALLy went .
The current falls to 0 in the circuit when the same current going in = the current pushing against by capacitor. This must thus occur only if they have the SAME potential difference. As a result, the capacitor is now MAXIMUM and fully charged, and has the same potential difference as the thing that charged it
Here pd across capacitors = emf across cells!
Equation for capacitance
Is defined as the amount of charge / voltage across it
C =Q/V
The more charge , thr more voltage, = they are proprtinsl, and this works out!)
Rules for capacitance SERIES AND PARALLEL
In series = parallel rule for electricity (just like spring )
In parallel = series rule for electricity (like spring)
Why is series cappator like parallel and parallel like series?
In series, the charge stored by each cappator is the SAME (even if they have different capacitance), but voltage is split
I’m parallel the total charge is sum of indicual charges stored by cappator , but the voltage the same
(Thin about it, in series, same attraction and repulsion like a chain effect, in parallel the charge is i Dukakis and free to do what it wants)
What IMPORTSNT thing to re,e,bed about series capacitance charge!
how to prove in a circuit?
No matter what, it’s always the same, the furthers two plates will get equal and opposite charge, and then middle plates too by induction
Can prove this by putting two known cappatiacnes in , voltmeteres around them and safer rejector and read the voltmeteres. Now yiu can Calculate the charge, and should find it’s THE SAME!
If you disconnect cappator circuit once charged and connect to lightbulb, it will flash, showing energy stored in cappator
But where does this energy come from?
An electron going ti negative plate would naturally by repelled by already negative charge, but it still goes because of EXTERNAL WORK from power source basically. Work done to the charge !
Similarly electron leaving positive would be attatratced to it, but external work is done to push it away
Basicslly thr energy stored by these charged on cappator originally came from battery itself!
How ti derrive 3 equations for energy stored by charge in capacitor?
Well if v = J/C, J= VC
- so for area of VC graph = energy
- this triangle, so energy stored = 1/2QV
And subbing in c =Q/V get two more equations
W= 1/2Cv2
W= 1/2Q2/c
3 energy equations (basically if you have Q,CV yiu can
W = 1/2 QV
W = 1/2 CV2
W = 1/2 Q2/C
What happens as a capacitor is discharged through a resistor and how ti set this up
Basically charge the capacitor through external voltage source, same voltage will be given to resistor
Now when you remove the switch, the cappator will discharge into the resistor.
The more charge that leaves, the lower the pd, and thus lower the current.
Eventually once fully discharged, the current, voltage and charge will be 0
This happens in exponential decay
What is exponential decay again
Where for every equal time interval the ratio of decrease is constsnt
This is evident when the change in one property is dependent on the amount of property you had before
Voltsge , current, charge are all exponentially decay
What equations and what does growth look like
Graph = e ^-x, where y intercept is INITAL priority
V = V0 e^-t/RC
I = I0 e^-t/RC
Q = Q0 e^-t/RC
What does RC represent
So what if you want voltsge to discharge quicker? What we need to do for RC
The time constsnt, which is the time taken for the property to decrease to 37% of orig al value (sub in RC )
Thus if you want something to decay quicker, you want RC to be less
How to find INITAL current voltsge and captains g
Current = V/R, so V0/R
Capacitance = Q/V, Q0= Cx V0