Chapter 23 ID List - Age of Nationalism Flashcards
Louis Napoleon (r. 1848-1870)
- Also known as Napoleon III
- French president elected by popular vote in 1848
- Gave workers more rights, such as the ability to strike
- Expanded French economy vastly by promoting banking and industry
Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)
- Italian lawyer and nationalist
- wanted a unified Italy under a liberalist constitution; republican
- led an organization known as Young Italy
- this organization took over Rome in 1848 in a failed attempt to create a Roman Republic
Pope Pius IX (r. 1846-1878)
- Pope during the German and Italian unification
- did not support the unification of Italy
- argued with Bismark over the treatment of Catholics in Germany
- claimed papal infallibility
Count Camilo Cavour (r. 1850-1861)
- Prime minister of Piedmont-Sardinia
- Architect of Italian unification using war and diplomacy
- supported a constitutional monarchy after unification
- worked for Victor Emmanuel II
- Realpolitik
Giuseppe Garibaldi (r. 1807-1882)
- nationalist leader of the “Red Shirts” who wanted to liberate the Kingdom of Two Sicilies
- aided Mazzini in his attempt to take over Rome
- given military aid by Cavour to invade southern Italy and turn it over Victor Emmanuel II
The “Red Shirts”
- Italian nationalists
- Invaded southern Italy to help unify the country
- led by Giuseppe Garibaldi
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898)
- Born into Prussian landholding aristocracy
- the architect of German unification
- gained experience as a foreign diplomat in France and Russia
- member of the Junker class
- extremely conservative; will be associated with “new conservatism”
William I (r. 1861-1888)
- Prussian king
- eventually became German Kaiser
- pushed Bismark into creating a large military budget
- argued with liberals
- was king during German unification
Danish-Prussian War (1864)
- The Danish king tried to annex Schleswig-Holstein
- Prussia and Austria joined in a short, successful war against Denmark
- Prussia and Austria agreed to jointly rule the providence
Austro-Prussian War (1866)
- lasted only 7 weeks
- the reorganized Prussian army defeated Austria at the Battle of Sadowa in Bohemia
- Bismark offered Austria generous peace terms
- The German Confederation was dissolved and Austria withdrew from German affairs
Franco-Prussian War (1870)
- The third and final war of German unification
- got the southern states to join Bismark
- German Chief of Staff Von Moltke led an army of 460,000 who had been preparing for two years
- the Germans used railroads during the war, learning from the Americans
- Napoleon was forced to abdicate
- Germany wins
(aka the pettiest war to ever be waged)
Alsace and Lorraine
- both Germany and France claimed it
- Germany takes it in the Franco-Prussian War
- France takes it back after WWI
Crimean War (1853-1856)
- War waged by Russia attempting to expand into Ottoman territory
- Britain, France and Sardinia allied together to defeat Russia
- The loss convinced the Tsar, Alexander II, to attempt to “catch up” Russia to the rest of Western Europe
- Resulted in Russian industrialization and liberal reforms
-Also led to improved sanitation due to advancements made in field medicine
Tsar Alexander II (r. 1855-1881)
- abolished serfdom in 1861
- knew Russia was lagging behind in the Industrial Revolution
- established zemstvos (local, county governments)
- Emancipation Edict of 1861
- assassinated by terrorists in 1881 (the bomb under the carriage trick)
The “People’s Will”
- A revolutionary group who wished to abolish the tsardom
- wanted a government that relied on popular will
- assassinated Tsar Alexander II
Sergei Witte (r. 1892-1903)
- Russian finance minister under Alexander III
- built the Trans-Siberian railroad
- saw Russia’s Industrial backwardness as a hinderance to Russia’s greatness
- established tariffs
- “used the west to catch the west” aka foreign investors
Tsar Nicholas II (r. 1894-1917)
- replaced Alexander III
- considered lacking in leadership skills
- “Bloody Sunday”
- “October Manifesto”
- loses the Russo-Japanese War
- tsar during WWI
- eventually abdicated
“Bloody Sunday” (1905)
- an event that occurred outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg
- hundreds of unarmed protesters were ambushed by the Royal Guard
- wanted a shorter working day, the right to strike, the election of a constituent assembly, and universal suffrage
- put the tsar in a bad light
October Manifesto (1905)
- an event that occurred outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg
- hundreds of unarmed protesters were ambushed by the Royal Guard
- wanted a shorter working day, the right to strike, the election of a constituent assembly, and universal suffrage
- put the tsar in a bad light
- Russian form of parliament
- created by the October Manifesto (1905)
- a set of reforms in the Ottoman Empire
- designed to remake the Ottoman empire on a western European model
The “Young Turks”
- Ottoman patriots
- seized power in a coup in 1908
- forced the conservative sultan to implement reforms
- Parliamentary body created by the new German empire
- members were elected by universal male sufferage
- Bismark’s attack on the Catholics; later the Socialists
- it proved to be unsuccessful long term
- ended up outlawing Socialist Democrats after two attempts on the Kaisers life
- Catholics should be more loyal to Germany than the Pope; led to an invisible war between Bismark and Pope Pious XI
German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- A German working class political party
- championed Marxism, however it turned from Marxist revolutions
- instead it worked for social and workplace reforms in German Parliament (Reichstag)
Paris Commune (1870’s)
- A German working class political party
- championed Marxism, however it turned from Marxist revolutions
- instead it worked for social and workplace reforms in German Parliament (Reichstag)
Benjamin Disraeli ( 1804-1881)
- conservative prime minister during the Victorian Era
- led the conservative party to electoral reform to win votes from the working class
- helped pass legislation to improve sanitation, workers housing, and protection for trade unions
- served two terms as prime minister between 1868-1880
William Gladstone (1809-1898)
- liberal prime minister of Great Britain
- proponent of the Irish Home Act
- led the Liberal party in reforming education
- the government took responsibility for elementary schools and reformed universities
- helped to create competitive exams for civil service
- served 4 terms as prime minister from 1868-1894
Irish Home Rule Bill (1914)
- a bill that gave Ireland the ability to self-rule
- advocated for by William Gladstone
- got delayed due to WWI
- the movement in the 1800s to create a homeland for the Jews, preferably their traditional homeland in Palestine
- led by Theodor(e) Herzl
Theodore Herzl (1860-1904)
- leader of the Zionist movement
- Austrian-Hungarian Jew
- lawyer and writer
- supported by the English government
Karl Lueger (r. 1897-1910)
- Austrian mayor of Vienna
- leader of the Christian Science Party
- very anti-semitic in his public speeches
- some of his speeches were heard by a young Adolf Hitler
First International
- founded by Marx and the Marxist socialist parties of Europe
- aka the International Working Men’s Association
- failed in 1876 due to internal tension
- Marx used it to spread his doctrines
Second International
- a federation of national socialist parties
- established May Day which was an annual one-strike
- had a permanent executive and met every 3 years to interpret Marxist doctrines and plan revolts
- feared by the elites and the conservative middle class
- an effort by the socialists to update Marx’s doctrines to reflect the late 19th century
Dreyfus Affair
- the French government accused a Jewish military officer of selling military secrets to the Germans
- Alfred Dreyfus was found guilty of treason and sent to prison
- it divided the country as many thought he was innocent
- After a re-trial, he was found innocent on all charges. He had been framed.