Chapter 23 Flashcards
What were the problems with creating nationalism?
Thought it was already there Had a - "Now we just have to get together" mind set NO Needed to be created Different dialects and communications
How was nationalism created?
Symbols Flags Industrialization led to better communication (standardize language) Mass education Mass celebrations
Explain Liberalism.
Class interests of Capitalism What they wanted... Representative government Individual freedoms such as press, speech, assembly, and arbitrary arrest Equality before the law Laissez-faire -unrestricted private enterprise- no government interference -Adam Smith -classical liberalism -free economy- wealth for all
What was the Congress of Vienna?
Quadruple Alliance- Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia
Want to establish a balance of power
Concern over all of France’s new power
-reduced to 1792 boundaries (Bourbon Dynasty)
-still had more land
-fairly easy on them
-Prussia given a buffer zone in the Rhineland
Belgium and Holland unified under one monarchy (only lasted until 1848)
Prussia and Russia
-Russia wants to restore Poland
-Prussia says yes, if they can have Saxony
-Messing up balance of power- Metternich freaks out
-Moderate the demand- both get PARTS of each
Napoleon escapes from Elba
-defeat at Waterloo
2nd Peace of Paris
-Louis XVIII restored
-Lost a little territory
-7 million francs indemnity
-large army for 5 years
How was balance of power maintained?
Congress of Vienna redistributed land
Who was the Holy Alliance and what was their purpose?
Austria, Prussia, and Russia
Led by Metternich
Fight the rising liberalism
French and Austrian troops invade Spain and Two Sicilies to suppress liberal uprisings and restore monarchs
Symbol of repression of revolutionary movements
Crusade against liberalism
Who was Metternich?
Landed aristocracy- Foreign Minister of Austria
Formed the Holy Alliance
-fight against liberalism and for conservatism
Fear nationalism would crumble the empire
Liberalism- is blood and war
-Blames the middle class for stirring up lower classes
Carlsbad Decrees
-Created at Congress of Vienna- German Confederation
-Must root out all subversive ideas in universities and newspapers
-permanent committee of spies
-punish liberal actions
How was Greek independence achieved and what were it’s problems?
Greek nationalists fought for freedom from the Turks of the Ottoman Empire
Greeks won the support of Britain, France, Russia, and America
-liked their classics- learned from them so they should be free
-Russian orthodox brothers
-creative people-romantic impulse
Won in 1830
Highly opposed by Metternich
-Metternich was trying to keep everyone down- no more boundary changes, worried hi empire would break up
How was nationalism a problem within the Austrian empire?
Heard about what happened in France and were inspired
Too many ethnic groups conflicted
-ex- Slavs don’t want Hungarians
Explain the revolution in the Austrian Empire.
Beginning- Hungary demands -National autonomy -Full civil liberties -Universal manhood suffrage Monarchy in Vienna hesitates -Urban workers and students protest -Peasant disorder
March 20th 1848- Ferdinand I
- Capitulated
- Promise reforms- abolish serfdom and feudal services
Peasants happy and lose interest in politics
-Coalition of classes begins to break
Metternich flees
Alliance further driven apart when the workers want national workshops
How were revolutionaries in Austria defeated?
Sophia- most responsible for repressive measures -gets peasants on her side -defeat at Prague Francis Joseph on the Throne Nick I of Russia subdues Hungary
After Austria, what was the most important German state?
Prussia- Second seat to Austria
Metternich was influential
What were the 2 competing classes in Britain?
The Whig and Tory Parties
Why was there a “Battle of Peterloo”?
In retaliation to the Six Acts and the Corn Laws Peaceful gathering at St. Peter's field -Large, afraid a riot may begin Broken up by armed cavalry Protest by working class
What was the English Reform Bill of 1815?
Made the House of Commons (Whigs) the all important legislative body over the House of Lords- redraw boundaries
New industrial areas gained representation
-Whigs convince the King to pass law
-Get rid of rotten boroughs (bought members)
-Redistribution of seats
What influences reforms in Great Britain?
Competition by Whigs and Tories for the support of the working class Landed aristocracy- fight to keep control Middle class want more rep
What was the People’s Charter of 1838?
Inspired by the economic distress of the work class Petition for the universal male suffrage Political democracy -Rule by commonc Failed
Who were the people of the Anti-Corn League?
Founded in Manchester Mass participation Popular crusade led by fighting liberals Against Corn laws- lower food prices Workers and Middle Class (capitalists) Corn Laws repealed Still want prices down -too much spent on food
What was the 10 Hours Act?
Passed by Tory Party
Limit working day for women and young children in factories
What is Socialism?
Reorganize society for cooperation and community
Inspired by the sans-culottes and the Reign of Terror price freezes
Working Class
Want National Workshops and lower food prices
What were the beliefs of the Early French Socialists?
Government planned economy
Greater economic equality
Help and protect the poor
Abolish private property
Think different then Marx- no violent revolution
Who was Saint Simon?
“Age of gold is before us”
Parasites (court, aristocracy, lawyers, church) need to give way to the doers (scientists, engineers, and industrialists)
Doers- plan the economy, guidance, public works projects, banks
Key to progress is proper social organization
Who was Blanc?
Practical improvements In government Urged workers to agitate for universal vote and peacefully take control of the government Urged for National workshops -Full employment -Right to work
Who was Proudhon?
“What is Property?”
-Profit stolen from the workers- source of all wealth
Self-educated printer
Who inspired Karl Marx?
Used his model of history as a dialectic process of change
Economic ideas drove history
Explain Marx’s socialism.
Class struggle for economic control formed an integral part of historical evolution
Appeals to the wealthy to help the poor were naive
Class warfare- Proletariat workers vs Bourgeois capitalists
- Everyone owns
- No government
-gov owns all on people’s behalf
Describe Louis XVIII’s rule.
France Charter of 1814 - make allies happy -response to political pressures -gives many civil rights -parliament with upper and lower houses -still only wealthy vote
Describe Charles X’s rule.
France Conservative brother of Louis XVIII True reactionary Want to re-establish the old order -nationalism Invade Algeria (Ottoman) Slowly strip away rights -repudiates the Charter in Coup d' etat Censor the press Three Glorious Days -Journalists and lawyers egg them on -insurrection of the capital by printers, artisans, and small traders, shop keepers, and workers -government collapse -Charles X flees
Why did Charles X invade Algeria?
Flees when French people win
Who encouraged the revolt against Charles X and when? Who “won”?
Journalists and Lawyers encourages 1830 Winners -"Notable" 100,000 who could vote -MIDDLE CLASS
Which was did the government move when Louis Philippe was crowned?
“Bourgeois monarchy” or “citizen king”
What set off the revolt in 1848 in Paris?
Sense of class injustice
Rising grain prices, HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT, government refusal to consider electoral reform
Shop keepers, unskilled workers, and liberal work class members contribute to success
Economic issues
-snowball effect
What government was set up after Louis Philippe?
2nd Republic of France 10 man committee Universal manhood suffrage Compassion and sympathy for freedom -Free the French colony slaves -Abolition of death penalty -10 hour work day
What was Blanc’s role in the 2nd republic of France?
Member of the new government
Hates capitalists
Wants workshops
What was the issue in France after 1848 elections?
Work class fear the loss of socialism -Blanc removed
What was the June Days?
May 15th
Workers invade Constituent Assembly and try to proclaim new revolutionary state
-National Guard stop
June 22nd
Dissolve national workshops
-army or province work
3 day uprising Frustrated attempt for socialism Barricades on streets Louis Cavaignoe- republic army -crush revolution
Why was Louis Napoleon elected?
France Desire for property class- more control Napoleons Nephew - good leader - help and stand for them