chapter 22- economic and social developments Flashcards
why did Khrushchev inherit a poor economy
industrial capacity decreased 70% after war
war led to smaller workforce
when was the fourth 5 year plan announced
what were the aims of the fourth 5 year plan
Catch up with USA
rebuild heavy industry and transport
revive Ukraine
how did the fourth 5 year plan plan to achieve its aims
use extensive reparations from East Germany
maintain war time controls on industry (long hours, low wages, female labour)
‘grand projects’ building of canals and HEP plants
what were the results of the fourth 5 year plan
USSR second to USA in industrial capacity
most targets for industrial production met
production doubled
workforce grew from 67-77 million
Dnieper Dam in use again by 1947
what were the aims of the fifth 5 year plan
continuation of development of heavy industry and transport
more investment into consumer goods housing and services
how did the fifth 5 year plan plan to achieve its aims
reduced spending on military after Stalins death
divert resources to armament for Korean War
what were the results of the fifth 5 year plan
most growth targets met
national income increased 71%
when was the fifth 5 year plan in effect
what were the issues with Stalins centralised economy
exceeding targets set meant higher targets the next year so factories discouraged from producing surplus
resources not being efficiently used so increasing amounts of capital investment needed
output targets assessed by weight so heavier products made eve if quality was poor
what did Khrushchev do to decentralise economy
abolished 60 Moscow ministries
USSR divided into 105 economic regions each with their own economic council
what was set up in 1959 that showed there was still a degree of centralisation in the economy
Supreme economic council
How did the seventh 5 year plan focus on increasing the standard of living
introduced 40 hour week
40% pay increase for workers in 1965
what was the slogan of the seventh 5 year plan
‘catch up and overtake the USA by 1971’
what did the seventh 5 year plan do
expanded chemical industry
housing factories produced prefabricated sections for new flats
increased production of consumer goods
explored natural resources- gas, oil and coal
building new power stations
how was soviet technology advanced
many railway lines electrified or ran on diesel
air transport expanded and Aeroflot corporation subsidised to make travel cheaper
Sputnik launched in 1957
red flag put on moon in 1959
1959- worlds first civil nuclear powered ship ‘Lenin’ was launched
how did the production of coal change from 1955-65
391-578 million tonnes
how did the production of tractors change from 1955-65
314-804 thousand
how did the output of retail change from 1955-65
50.2-100.8 million roubles
what distorted the USSR’s economy
spending on the space race and armaments
how did industrial growth look in 1964
worse- growth of 7.5% per annum, down from 10% per annum through the 50’s
what was the growth of consumer industries in 1964
only 2%
why did Khrushchev see himself as an agricultural expert
came from rural peasant background
who did Khrushchev place the responsibility of reform on and what did this mean
local councils
ministry of agriculture became an advisory body
what changes were made to agricultureby the governemnt
the price paid by state for grain increased 25% from 1953-56
state grain procurement quotas reduced
taxes reduced
what changes were made to increase production in agriculture
number of farms connected to electricity grid increased
a campaign in 1962 increased use of chemical fertiliser
MTS turner into repair stations as more machinery used
number of collective farms halved by 1960 as joined to make bigger farms
how much ‘virgin land’ was p[loughed for wheat in 1953
35.9 million hectares
how did the virgin land scheme improve production of grain
increased 75%
what was the long term problems of the virgion lands scheme
didn’t take into account over farming and conditions of areas the land was in- most of the land unusable by 1960
how did the production of cereals increase from 1952-1964
82-132 million tonnes
how did the production of meat increase from 1952-1964
5.2-9.1 million tonnes
what percentage of the produce sold in the USSR came from private plots
30% despite them making up 3% of the cultivated land
what did the USSR have to do after a bad harvest in 1963
import grain- some from the USA
what was khrushchevs main aim for the soviet people
to improve their living standards
what were abolished in 1958
compulsory subscriptions to the state
how did the amount of people with refrigerators change from 1955-1965
increased 10 times
how did the amount of people with washing machines change from 1955-1965
what began to enter shops after 1958
imported goods
what did peasants become eligible for in 1958
state pensions
what became better and more widely available under Khrushchev
education, health care and transport
what was the problem with society under Khrushchev
unequal- those higher in the political hierarchy had privileges with non-wage payments, access to goods, healthcare etc
what did TV’s begin to show under Khrushchev
international performances of the Kirov ballet, Moscow dynamos football team etc
what was ‘intourist’
foreigners could come to the USSR and witness their achievements
what was the World Festival of Youth 1957
festival in Moscow that attracted 34,000 people from 131 different countries
what did the loosening of restrictions on TV, music etcresult in
exposure to western culture of rock n roll etc
what was the soviet version of teddy boys
the stiliagi
what percentage of the population was under 30 and why was this a threat
more exposed to western culture so less traditional and could cause revolt
who are examples of people Khrushchev allowed to work after the zhdanovshchina
Anna Akhmatova
which western writers had books published in the USSR under Khrushchev
Graham Greene, Ernest Hemingway etc
what were the rules for works criticising the USSR
they were allowed to be critical of Stalinism but not the foundations of socialism
what book had over a million sales and described life in a gulag
‘One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich’ by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
what book by Boris Pasternak was outlawed in the USSR but won a Nobel prize after being published in Italy in 1957
Dr Zhivago
in what year were children banned from church services
what was bought into the school curriculum in 1961
what course did Khrushchev make mandatory for everyone in higher education
the foundations of scientific atheism
how many fewer orthodox churches were there in 1965 from 1959
what did Khrushchev want for all nationalities in the empire
a single language
what was ‘rapprochement’
greater unity and fusion of all nationalities