Chapter 22 Descent W Mod Flashcards
Carolus Linnaeus
2 part naming system format for naming species.
Homo sapiens
Descent with modification
A change in the genetic composition of a pop from gen to gen
A pattern and a process
The remains or traces of organisms from the past
Sedimentary, super imposed rock, Grand Canyon.
Deeper- older
The study of fossils
Georges curvier
Idea of extinction, catastrophism
James Hutton
Earth’s geological features could be explained by gradual mechanisms
Charles Lyell
Included hutton’s ideas and proposed that the same geological processes operating today are the same as the past and at the same rate.
Lamarck’s hypothesis of evolution
Use and disuse- giraffe stretching it’s neck
Inheritance of aquifer characteristics
Inherited characteristics of organisms that enhance their survival and reproduction in a specific environment
Natural selection
A process in which individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than other individuals because of their traits
Almost the same theory of natural selection as Darwin.
Codiscoverer of natural selection
The origin of species 1845
Unity of life, diversity of life, and the match between organisms and their environment.
Artificial selection
Humans have modified other species over many generations
Logic of natural selection observation 1
Members of a population often vary in their inherited traits