Chapter 22 Flashcards
What are the qualities in Romantic landscape?
Quiet, expressive. Painted outdoors. Destructive Power of Nature.
Who was Caspar David Frederich?
German painter who painted allegorical scenes such as “Wanderer Above the Sea Fog” and “Abbey in the Oakwood.”
Who was Gericault?
A French Romantic painter. He painted still lifes with severed heads. He was known for his “Raft of Medusa” which as a Baroque style of lighting.
What was American Romantic painting?
P.I.N.E. - about the past, irrational and insane, natural and naturalistic, and emotionally evocative.
Who was the Realist leader?
Gustav Corbet - Painted “Stone Breakers.”
What was significance of “Stone Breakers” by Gustav Corbet?
It was the first realistic realism painting and it was gritty. It wasn’t shown in the academy because it was too realistic.
Who were the Romantic Landscape painters?
John Constable - Country Landscapes, JMW Turner - Violent Landscapes watercolorist, Albert Bierstadt - American West
Who painted “The Hay Wain?”
John Constable
Who was Albert Bierstadt?
He was a German painter who helped with the Westward expansion of the UNITED STATES BRA.
What does PINE stand for with Romanticism?
Past, Irrational insane, Naturalism, and Emotionally expressive.
Who was Eugene Delacroix?
He was a French Romantic painter who painted “The Women of Algiers” and “Death of Sardanapalus.” He was a Rubenist and an Orientalist.
What style did Millet paint in?
Poussin’s style of line, “Gleaners” “Angelis” realism, genre paintings. Peasantry.
Who was the loudest voice in the darker side of Romantic Realism?
Spain because of Francisco Goya painting “Los Caprichos” and “Saturn Devouring His Children.”
Who painted “Saturn Devouring His Children?”
Francisco Goya
Who painted “Los Caprichos?”
Francisco Goya
Who was Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres?
He was a French Neoclassical painter who painted the “Grand Odalisque” and began the Oriental Movement.
Who painted the “Gleaners?”
Who was Honre Daumier?
He was a satirical printmaker who made “Gargantua.”