Chapter 21 - Personaly Created Questions Flashcards
Hey! Just a friendly note:
What is the purpose of the Geologic time scale and the Rock Record?
Scientists are able to recall earth’s history and allows scientists to find the relationships between geologic events and past conditions.
What are the 4 units (in order from longest to shortest) in the Geological time scale?
1) Eons
2) Era
3) Period
4) Epoch
What are the 4 Eons? (Try to do oldest to youngest)
Hadean (oldest), Archean (single celled life), Proterozoic (more advanced), Phanerozoic
The first 3 Eons (Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic) make up 90% of geological time. What are they called?
What are Eras biased on? It’s okay if you don’t know.
What fossils were found at that time/area, and difference in life forms
What are the three Eras, and what do they mean?
Palozoic (Old life), Mesozoic (Middle life), and Cenozoic (recent life)
Of the 4 units in the Geologic time scale, which ones of each do we live in?
Eon: Phanerozic
Era: Cenozoic
Period: Quarternary
Epoch: Holocene
What large event usually signifies a new era?
Some form of extinction
About how old is earth (according to scientists).
4.6 bya
Who came up with uniformitarianism? Don’t need to know, just extra
James Hutton
Some extra notes:
Scientists can determine the layer which rocks have formed because the oldest layers are at the bottom. Once there is an order for the rocks, they can see the relative age of the rock record.
When you are describing the relative age of something, what words should you use?
Younger and older
In basic terms, what is Origional Horizontality?
If something has not acted on a rock layer, it will stay horizontal. Likewise, if some layer is not horizontal, something has acted on it.
What is one of the most common reasons rock layers shift or angle?
The movement of tectonic plates
What does superposition mean?
It basically states that the rocks on the bottom of the rock record are older than the rocks above it. Layers above are younger, and layers below it are older!
What does cross-cutting relationship mean?
“Fault/body of rock/place where tectonic plates meet/something that cuts across another rock is younger than the rock it cuts through”
EXAMPLE: You can’t cut through something if it is not there!
What does the principle of inclusions state?
Any fragment in a layer of rock must be older than the rock surrounding it. This is because the fragment has to be there before the stuff around it can form.
What is an Unconformity?
Its basically a break in the geologic record!
What is correlation?
The matching of rocks in one place to the rocks in another place (possibly due to similar rocks or fossils). For example, the grand staircase!
How many principles of determine relative age are there?
What are the 3 types of unconformities? What do they mean?
Disconformities are layers of sedimentary rock on top of layers of eroded sed. rock. NONconformities are the opposite, sed. On top of igneous or metamorphic. Angular unconformities are sed layers on top of tilted layers
How much percent of the history of the earth have the humans existed?
0.000065%!!! That’s 4 Zeros!!
What is a key bed?
Any layer that serves as a MARKER. Easy to recognize (from place to place?)
What is a fossil correlation? How is it like a keybed?
“Paleontologists can use fossils to determine relative age of the rock layers in which fossils are located” Kind of like a key bed, where a layer of fossil can be compared to similar layers in other places.
Extra: what’s an index fossil?
“A fossil used to establish the age of rock layers because it is distinct, abundant, widespread, and existed for only a short span for geologic time” correlation = fossil correlation
Key-bed= index fossil
What type of rocks do absolute age dating tactics usually deal with?
Igneous and metamorphic. Not sedimentary because it’s made up of too many different kinds of rocks.
What does absolute age dating give to rocks?
A numeric value
How does radioactive decay WORK?
A ton of radioactive atoms and isotopes, over time, release particles and energy, slowly creating a non-radioactive element.
What does Uranium 238 turn into?
Lead 206
How much does the rate of decay change during the decay process (horrible wording)
It doesn’t. The rate of decay for a rock always stays CONSTANT, despite physical pressures and changes. Used to determine absolute age
Radioactive decay and radiometric dating are 2 different things.
What is the radioactive isotope / original isotope in an element called in radiometric dating?
The Parent Isotope
Then, as time goes on, what does the parent isotope decay into?
The daughter isotope
Comparing the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes determines what?
It determines the absolute age of the rock
Note : 384
A daughter isotope is stable, while a parent isotope is radioactive