chapter 21: ecology Flashcards
what does an abiotic environment consist of?
- it consists of physical, non-living factors such as light, water and pH of the soil and water
what does a biotic environment consist of?
- it consists of all the living things that an organism interacts with
what is habitat?
a place where an organism lives
what is population?
it is a group of organisms of the same species that live together in a habitat
what is a community?
it is made up of all the populations living and interacting with one another in a habitat
what is ecosystem?
ecosystem is a community of organisms interacting with one another and with its abiotic environment
how does light intensity affect organisms?
( the abiotic environment)
- light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis and growth in plants
> affects the rate of growth of animals
> animals depend directly or indirectly on plants for food
how does temperature affect organisms?
( the abiotic environment)
- temperature affects the rate of enzyme reactions
> affect the metabolic rate and the rate of growth of organisms
how does water availability affect organism?
( the abiotic environment)
- water is important for survival of all living things
> the main component of protoplasm - some animals adapted to live in arid regions
- desert rats have comparatively long loops of Henle (where water is reabsorbed) in their kidneys
> most of the water filtered is reabsorbed by the kidneys
> the urine of desert rats is relatively concentrated
how does oxygen content affect organisms?
( the abiotic environment)
- oxygen is needed for aerobic respiration
> aerobic respiration releases energy for cell activities such as active transport of mineral salts - plants living in oxygen-poor soil usually have special adaptations to obtain the amount of oxygen needed
- eg. mangroves plants (avicennia) have their roots buried in oxygen-poor mud
> have special breathing roots called pneumatophores
> that project above the mud surface
> the roots have openings for gas exchange
> oxygen diffuses into these root openings to the whole root system of the plant
how does the salinity of soil and water affect organisms?
( the abiotic environment)
- it affects the water potential of a solution
> organisms living in freshwater constantly remove excess water that enter their bodies via osmosis
> those living in sea water have to conserve water
how does the pH of soil and water affect organisms?
( the abiotic environment)
- organisms are sensitive to the pH of soil or water in which they live in
> pH of surroundings affect rate of enzyme reactions within bodies
> extreme changes in the pH will result in denaturation of these enzymes
what is an ecological community?
- when different populations of plants and animals live together and interact within the same environment
> AN ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY - the various populations in any community live interdependently
> a change in one population, affects the other populations of the community
what are producers?
- producers can make their own food by photosynthesis
> like plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria and organisms - the contain chlorophyll which traps and converts light energy into chemical energy
- they synthesise glucose from carbon dioxide and water and they produce oxygen as a by-product during photosynthesis
- producers affect the lives of other organisms
> they provide them with energy and oxygen
what are consumers?
- consumers are organisms that are not able to make their own food
> they obtain energy and nutrients by feeding on other organisms
primary consumers: herbivores (plant eaters)
>they feed directly on plants
secondary consumers: carnivores (meat eaters)
>they feed on primary consumers
tertiary consumers: carnivores
> they feed on secondary consumers