Chapter 21- Digestive System Flashcards
What is the order of organs in the alimentary canal?
Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus
What is the function of the mouth and how does it work?
Teeth move and grind food, tongue moves and tastes food, salivary glands wet food and contain amylase, which begins carb breakown. A bolus is formed
What is the function of the pharynx?
Passage for food and air
Connects the pharynx to the stomach, uses peristalsis to push bolus down
Mixes bolus with gastric juice (pepsin, HCl, mucus) to make chyme, pH of 2 kills microoganisms, mucus protects stomach from HCl, and a sh
What is the order of the evolution of digestion from simplest to most complex?
Food vacuole, gastrovascular cavity, and alimentary canal
Small intestine
Area of most absorption, has three parts: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
What are villi?
Finger-like projections that increase absorption
Large intestine
Absorbs water and solidifies waste
Stores feces, has two valves that separate feces from flatus
Excretes feces, has two sphincters: internal –> involuntary, external –> voluntary
Produces bile, which emulsifies fat
Gall bladder
Stores bile and releases into the duodenum
Vestigial structure at the beginning of the large intestine
Secretes pancreatic juice (enzymes and bicarbonate) into the duodenum