Chapter 2.1 Flashcards
Elicited behaviour, Habituation, Sensitization
Recall: What is learning:
-A relatively permanent change in behaviour, knowledge, capability or attitude
-Acquired through experience
BUT cannot be attributed to illness, injury or maturation
Reflex or instinctive behaviours:
Inborn and do NOT require learning
-Reflexes are automatic, innate and invariant
-“Energy of eliciting stimulus is transferred to the motor response through a direct physical connection”
How did we test Descartes’ assumption that reflexes are automatic, innate and invariant -> “energy of eliciting stimulus is transferred to the motor response through a direct physical connection”
We test one reflex to determine, more precisely we tested salivary response to flavour
What was the HYPOTHESIS for the test reactivity experiment?
Elicited behaviour is invariant
What was the PREDICTION for the test reactivity experiment?
Strength of the elicited response should remain constant across repeated stimulus presentations
What was the experimental design of the taste reactivity experiment?
Group 1: Repeated presentations of lemon (0.03ml/trial)
Group 2: Repeated presentations of lime (0.03 ml/trial)
What were the dependent measures of the taste reactivity experiment?
-hedonic ratings of taste
What were the results of the taste reactivity experiment?
-Salivation and hedonic ratings decrease with repeated presentations of either lemon or lime
-Change flavour: recovery in salivation and liking
What were the conclusions of the taste reactivity experiment:
-Elicited behaviour is not invariant
-The observed effect pattern suggests that elicited responses can habituate
-Habituation is stimulus specific
What is the definition of habituation?
A progressive decrease in the vigour of elicited behaviour that may occur with repeated presentations of eliciting stimulus
Habituation is the __ of memory
Habituation is the simplest form of memory
Habituation is a type of __ learning
When we habituate to something in our environment it means we ___
respond less and less to it until eventually, we do not even notice it is there (ex: braces)
What is the behaviourist approach to habituation?
-Defines habituation as a decrease in behaviour
-Focusing on behaviour allows objective, standardized measurement (e.g., force of startle)
Quantification of habituation:
Early strong responses decline to later weak response
relatively stable point after substantial training
Characteristics of habituation:
Habituation is ubiquitous ; i.e. Found throughout the animal kingdom (even some single-celled organisms show habituation)
In regards to the ubiquitous characteristic of habituation, what are some similarities between all these organisms (6)?
-Stimulus specificity
-Spontaneous recovery
-Shorts and long term forms
-Spaced works better than massed
-Innocuous (weak) stimuli work better than strong
Dishabituation (ubiquitous characteristic of habituation):
A novel/arousing stimulus can temporarily recover responses to the habituating stimulus –> this fades quickly though
Stimulus specificity (ubiquitous characteristic of habituation):
-Generally, responses only decrease to the habituating stimulus
-For very similar stimuli, however, there can be some generalization
Spontaneous Recovery (ubiquitous characteristic of habituation):
-When repeated stimulus stops, behaviour gradually returns to normal
-Time for recovery depends on several factors
Short vs Long-Term forms (ubiquitous characteristic of habituation):
-More repetitions of the stimulus, longer lasting habituation
-With many repetitions, effects can become relatively permanent
Massed vs Spaced (ubiquitous characteristic of habituation):
Taking breaks between sessions of repeated stimuli makes habituation develop more slowly but last much longer
Weaker stimulus = more habitation (ubiquitous characteristic of habituation):
-The stronger the stimulus, the less habituation develops
-This ensures that weak/useless stimuli are ignored but painful/important stimuli gain more attention
-with very strong (noxious) stimuli, sensitization occurs..
Habituation is NOT:
sensory adaptation or fatigue
fatigue site is located:
at the muscle or motor neuron
Habituation site is located:
IN the central nervous system