Chapter 2: Work and Energy Flashcards
What is energy?
What is kinetic energy? What is the equation for kinetic energy? What are the units of kinetic energy? What’s a good way to remember the units of kinetic energy? Is kinetic energy related to speed or velocity? Why?
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Objects that have mass and that are moving with some speed will have an associated amount of kinetic energy.
The SI unit for kinetic energy, as with all forms of energy, is the joule (J). A good way to remember the units of joules is to remember the formula for kinetic energy and do a dimensional analysis.
Kinetic energy is related to speed, not velocity. An object has the same kinetic energy regardless of the direction of its velocity vector.
What should we think about any time an object has a speed?
Example page 57 kinetic energy
What is potential energy?
What is gravitational potential energy? What is the equation for gravitational potential energy?
Gravitational potential energy depends on an object position with respect to some level identified as the datum (ground or zero potential energy position).
Is the zero potential energy position the same for all problems?
Example page 58 potential energy
What is elastic potential energy? What is the equation for elastic potential energy? Units? What is the equilibrium length of a spring? What is the spring constant?
Springs and other elastic systems act to store energy. Every spring has a characteristic link that which it is considered relaxed, or in equilibrium. When a spring is stretched or compressed from its equilibrium length, the spring has elastic potential energy.
The spring, constant, K, is a measure of the stiffness of the spring and is experimentally determined.
What is total mechanical energy? What is the equation for total mechanical energy?
The sum of an object’s potential and kinetic energies as its total mechanical energy.
What is the first law thermodynamics account for?
What are conservative forces? What are non-conservative forces? What are the two most commonly encountered conservative forces on the MCAT?
The most common conservative forces seen on the MCAT are gravity and electrostatic forces.
The transfer of energy from one form to another is a key feature of bioenergetics and metabolism found in biochemistry studies. Think about carbohydrate, metabolism and talk about potential energy converting into electrical potential energy.
There are two equivalent ways to determine whether a force is conservative. What are those two ways? Are non-conservative forces possible to avoid in real life?
Non-conservative forces are impossible to avoid in real life.
One method is to consider the change in energy of a system in which the system is brought back to its original set up. If the net change in energy is zero regardless of the path taken to get back to the initial position, then the force is acting on the object or conservative. Basically, this means that a system that is experiencing only conservative forces will be “given back” an amount of usable energy equal to the amount that had been “taken away” from it in the course of a closed path.
The other method is to consider the change and energy of a system moving from one setup to another. If the energy change is equal, regardless of the path taken, then the forces acting on the object are all conservative.
On non-conservative forces, such as friction, air resistance, or viscous drag (a resistance force created by fluid viscosity) are present, total mechanical energy is not conserved. Express this in an equation.
Are non-conservative forces path dependent?
The work done by non-conservative forces will be exactly equal to the amount of energy “lost” from the system. In reality, the energy is simply transformed into another form of energy, such as thermal energy, that is not accounted for in the mechanical energy equation.
Non-conservative forces, unlike conservative forces, are path dependent. The longer the distance traveled, the larger the amount of energy dissipated.
Example page 61 work done by non-conservative forces
Notice the algebra here. When I’m taking the difference of kinetic energy or something that has the same mass, it is a common factor in the equation. It may have been cumbersome to not factor out mass from this equation.
MCAT concept check page 62 2.1 Energy question 1
MCAT concept check energy page 62 2.1 question 2
Is Work energy?
Work is not energy, but a measure of energy transfer.
The other form of energy transfer is heat. (Member frum kemistrie)
Work=Nm=kgm/s^2 m
What is work?
Work is a process by which energy is transferred from one system to another.
It is one of only two ways in which energy can be transferred. The other way in which energy is transferred is heat.
How many ways can energy be transferred? What are the ways that energy can be transferred?
There are only two ways that energy can be transferred.
The only two ways that energy is transferred is work and heat.
According to the first law of thermodynamics the only two ways energy can be transferred to or from a system are through heat and work; meaning any energy exchange between a system and its surroundings can be categorized as either heat transfer or work done on/by the system.
The unit of work and energy are both joule. This suggest that they are the same thing. Are they the same thing?
No. Work is the process by which a quantity of energy is moved from one system to another.
What is the mathematical expression for work? Is it a dot or cross product? What are the implications of this mathematical function?
Work is a dot product. As such, it is a function of the cosine of the angle between the vectors. This means that only forces (or components of forces) parallel, or anti-parallel to the displacement vector will do work (that is, transfer energy).
How do we approach work in a system of gases?
In systems of gases, we approach work as a combination of pressure and volume changes.
We can analyze the relationship between pressure, volume, and work. When the gas expands, it pushes up against the piston, exerting a force that causes the piston to move up and the volume of the system to increase. When the gas is compressed, the piston pushes down on the gas, exerting a force that decreases the volume of the system.
We say that work has been done when the volume of the system has changed due to and applied pressure. Gas expansion and compression processes can be represented in graphical form with volume on the X axis and pressure on the Y axis, such as in the image:
What is the difference between work done by a system and worked on on system?
When work is done by a system (gas expands) the work is said to be positive. When work is done on a system (the gas compresses) the work is said to be negative.
The area under a graph of pressure (x) and volume (y) is the work done on or by a system.
More elaborately: the work done on or by a system undergoing a thermodynamic process can be determined by finding the area enclosed by the corresponding pressure volume curves.
When gas expands, what can we say about the work done? When the gas compresses?
When a gas expands, we say that work was done by the gas and the work is positive.
When the gas is compressed, we say that work was done on the gas and the work is negative.
In which thermodynamic process is no work done?
No workers done in an isovolumetric (isochoric) process. This is a process in which the volume stays constant as pressure changes (deltaV=0). Understanding that work done is the area under the pressure volume curve, we can extrapolate this visually using the following graph:
Look at the equation W=PdeltaV. Importance of ΔV: The change in volume is the critical factor determining if work is done, even if pressure changes.
The image shows a process in which neither pressure nor volume is held constant. How would you calculate the work?
Work is the area underneath the pressure volume curve. This is simply taking the area of a triangle in the area of a rectangle in calculating the sum of the two separate areas. We can see that area one indicates a change in pressure and volume. Area one change in volume. We need to take the sum of area one and two such that:
What is Power? What does Power refer to (hint: rate)? What is the SI unit for power? What are the unit units for power? What is the equation for power?
Power is defined as the amount of work done per unit time.
The SI unit for power is watt (W). W=J/s
Talk about and understand this:
Work (measured in joules) is not a form of energy, but is a process by which energy is transferred from one system to another. Work can be thought of as a change in energy.
Power is a change in energy per unit time, and is measured in joules per second. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred from one system to another. The unit for what is joule per second, or Watts.