purpose of the CNS/ the CNS consists of…?
central nervous system
- carries messages to and from the PNS
- consists of the brain and spinal cord
- purpose of brain: responsible for virtually everything we think, feel or do
- purpose of spinal cord: connects brain and pns; initiates spinal reflexes
purpose of the PNS/ the PNS consists of…?
peripheral nervous system
- carries messages to and from the CNS
- autonomic nervous system and somatic nervous system
purpose of the autonomic nervous system
connects the CNS to internal organs and glands; self regulating and therefore occcur w/o conscious effort and are not usually under our voluntary control.
purpose of the somatic nervous system
acronym SAME - sensory afferent motor efferent
network of nerves carries sensory info to the CNS and motor information from the CNS
afferent info: sensory info entering CNS
efferent info: motor info leaving CNS
how the somatic nervous system works
- sensory neurons in your body detected from sensory receptors are carried to along sensory neural pathways
- motor info is carried along motor neural pathways by motor neurons to skeletal muscles to control their activity by causing them to contract or relax
- skeletal muscles attached to the bones respond to the CNS intiate, change or stop movement
subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system
- sympathetic division: arousing activates internal muscles, organs and glands to prepare the body for vigorous activity or deal w/ a stressful or threatening situation
- parasympathetic division: calming helps maintain the internal body environment in a steady, balanced state of normal functioning (esp. calming after a sympathetic activation)
enteric nervous system
- detect physiological condition of the gastrointestinal tract (GI)
- Integrate information about its state
- provide outputs to control gut movement
- nutrient management
- gastric acid
- blood flow
- Interact with immune and endocrine system
the site where communication occurs between adjacent neurons
- made up of two components: the terminal buttons of the presynaptic (‘sending’) neurons and the dendrites of the postsynaptic (‘receiving’) neuron
a chemical substance produced by a neuron that carries a message to other neurons or cells in musces, organs or other tissue
process of neurotransmission
in terms of neurotransmitters
- neurons transmit signals when sti mulated by sensory input or triggered by neighbouring neurons
- dendrites pick up the signal and activiate the neuron’s action potential
- presynaptic neuron receives an electrical signal (action potential)
- action potential runs down to the end of an axon and activates the chemical messengers that pass through the synaptic gap
- neurotransmitters (excited or inhibited) lock into the receptor sites of the postsynaptic neuron
- reuptake: excess neurotransmitters are reabsorbed into the neuron and recycled
types of neurotransmitters
- excitatory effect
- neurotransmitters stimulate the post-synaptic neuron and make it MORE LIKELY TO FIRE (glutamate)
- inhibitatory effect
- neurotransmitters depresses the activity of the post-synaptic neuron and make it LESS LIKELY TO FIRE (GABA)
neurotransmitters that influence/modulate the effect of other neurotransmitters
* e.g: if a neurotransmitter has modulatory effects, it can change the reactivity of receptors to another type of neurotransmitter to enhance their excitatory or inhibitory response
neurotransmission vs neuromodulation
* is not restricted to the synaptic gap b/w two adjacent nuerons
* does not release their chemical messengers into a single synapse -> released into far broader areas where they can affect a large number of neurons at once
* effects take take longer to become established and last longer than NTs
* convey global control of brain states that underlie different behaviours such as sleep and wakefulness
modulatory neurotransmitter known to have multiple functions depending on where in the brain it acts
important roles in:
* voluntary movements
* experience of pleasure
* motivation
* appetite
* reward-based learning
* memory
primarily an excitatory neurotransmitter, dopamine can have either an excitatory effect at one location or an inhibitatory effect at another, depending on the type of receptors present
mesolimbic /mesocortical (overlap)
dopamine pathway
- associated with rewarding behaviour through the experience of pleasure-dopamine reward system.
- healthy behaviours (such as eating when hungry and drinking when thirsty)
- harmful behaviours that involve a loss of impulse control and have become addictive (such as gambling and video gaming).
serotonin is a modulating neurotransmitter that has a wide range of functions, depending on where in the brain it acts.
for example, it has important roles in
* mood
* motional processing
* sleep onset
* appetite
* pain perception
serotonin pathways
- distinct serotonin producing areas and neural pathways.
- ONLY has inhibitory effects.
- Implicated in various mental conditions
- depression- drugs commonly used to treat depression target serotonin and increase its availability at the synapse.
- anxiety disorders -reduced levels of serotonin in the brain associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- sleep disorders- serotonin and melatonin (hormone) involved in sleep and wakefulness
our brain uses serotonin in the pineal gland to produce melatonin & too little serotonin can affect the pattern and quality of our sleep leading to insomnia
too much seratonin
serotonin syndrome is a collection of symptoms that includes
* fever
* elevated heart rate
* restlessness
* agitation
* confusion
* hallucinations
* delirium
* seizures
most often results from too high a dosage of medications used to increase low serotonin levels. the amount of available serotonin is at a toxic level and can result in unconsciousness & serious cases of serotonin syndrome can be fatal if not treated. Illegal drugs such as ecstacy, cocaine and amphetamines (‘speed’/‘meth’/‘ice’) that act as stimulants in the CNS can also increase serotonin to a toxic level.
synaptic plasticity
the ability of the synapse to change in response to experience.
* enables change involving the strengthening or weakening of connections between the neurons at a synapse.
* synaptic plasticity enables a flexible, efficient and effectively functioning nervous system.
* the biological basis of learning and memory formation.
long-term potentiation
- long-lasting strengthening of synaptic connections, resulting in enhanced or more effective synaptic transmission
- the postsynaptic neurons become more and more responsive to the presynaptic neurons as a consequence of repeated stimulation by neurotransmitters
- i.e. ‘neurons that fire together, wire together’
new connections are made between active neurons to create alternate neural pathways
new axon and dendrite extensions allow existing neurons to form new connections
long-term depression
- long-lasting weakening of synaptic transmission and connections, resulting in less effective synaptic transmission or no communication at the synapse
- elimination of unused synapses through LTD may prune unimportant or unwanted connections, leaving only the important connections that have been strengthened through repeated use by LTP.
conscious response
a reaction to a sensory stimulus that involves awareness. The response will usually be a voluntary, “intentional” reaction. The reaction, even if momentary, is also goal directed (purposeful) and you will be able to exercise some degree of control over it
e.g: picking up a water bottle, speaking to your friend, doing a handstand
unconscious response
a reaction that does not involve awareness. It is involuntary, unintentional, automatic and we cannot ordinarily control its occurrence
e.g: bodily responses regulated by the ANS such as pumping blood, digesting food, blinking or breathing, and spinal reflex