He exposed that the postmodern individual achieve self-identity through prestige symbols that they consume
Jean Baudrillard
a person infers people’s intention or direction of action, which may lead him or her to understand the world from others’ point of view.
What self: the subjective element and the active side of the self ;
Represents the spontaneous, and unique traits of the individual
I self
What are the two divisions of the self according to mead?
“I self” and “Me self”
He exposed the negative consequences of postmodern to individuals in the society
Jean Baudrillard
Self-identity is achieved through a threefold event (according to Cooley):
- How he presents himself to others
- How he analyzes how others perceive him
- How he creates an image of himself
what stage:
- Children start to view themselves in relation to others as they learn to communicate through language & symbols
- Do not perceive role taking as something expected from them
- Role taking is exhibited
- Self is developing
Play Stage (3-5 yrs old)
Mead’s detailed development of self in a 3-stage process. What are those stages
- Preparatory Stage (0-3 yrs old)
- Play Stage (3-5 yrs old)
- Game Stage (early school yrs - 8/9 yrs old)
what society:
- Attainment & stability of self-identity is freely chosen
- No longer restricted by customs & traditions
What theory: Man develops a sense of self through social interaction and not the biological preconditions of that interaction
The Theory of the Social Self by George Herbert Mead
what stage:
- Imitate the people around them
- Copy the behaviour w/o understanding underlying intentions
- No sense of self
Preparatory Stage (0-3 yrs old)
a scientific study of social groups and human relationships generates new insights into the interconnectedness between the self and other people.
What self: Is the objective element;
Represents the internalized attitude and demands of other people and the individual’s awareness of those demands
Me self
What article discusses the relationship between society and the individual
The Constitution of the Self by Gerry Lanuza (2004)
what society:
- Welcomes all possibilities for self-improvement
- Self-identity continuously change due to the demands of multitude of social contexts, new information technologies, & globalization
What theory: The people whom a person interacts become a mirror in which he views himself.
Looking Glass Self Theory by Charles Horton Cooley (1902)
what stage:
- Understands not only their own social position but also those of others around them
- Become concerned & take into account their behavior
- Sophisticated look of people & ability to respond to numerous members of the social environment
- Self is now present
Game Stage (early school yrs - 8/9 yrs old)
based on the assumption that human behavior is influenced by group life. A particular view of oneself is formed through interaction with other people, groups, or social institutions.
Sociological Perspective of the self
Charles Horton Cooley introduced the theory “looking-glass self”
True or False
postmodern person has become an insatiable consumer
True or False
Looking Glass Self theory passes through three stages of development
in the modern societies, customs and traditions are no longer restricted
in the concept of self, it is viewed as, there is no intrinsic self that can possess enduring qualities