Chapter 1 Philosophical Perspective Flashcards
“love of wisdom” , pertains to the desire for truth by formulating never ending questions to provide answers to every inquiry about the nature of human existence.
An unexamined life is not worth living
Man is an immortal soul
The essence of the self
The self has an immortal soul
St. Augustine
I think therefore I am
Rene Descarte
There is no self
David Hume
The self is multilayered
Sigmund Freud
The Self is the Brain
Paul Churchland
We construct the self
Imannuel Kant
The Self is Embodied Subjectivity
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
The Self is the way people behave
Gilbert Ryle
Believes that every human possesses an immortal soul that survives the physical body.
Reality consists of two dichotomous realms
Physical Realm & Ideal Realm
[ realm ] changeable, transient (impermanent), and imperfect. ex. the body
Physical Realm
[ realm ] unchanging, eternal and immortal. ex. goodness, truth, beauty, soul
Ideal Realm
the immortal entity ; strives for wisdom and perfection
the soul’s tool to achieve the exalted state
the source of all knowledge and significance ; where man must begin (in examining life)
The Self
is a method of carefully examining one’s thoughts and emotions to gain self- knowledge
The Socratic Method / Introspection
His philosophy can be explained as a process of self-knowledge and purification of the soul
Introduced the idea of the three-part soul
state the three-part soul
reason, physical appetite, spirit or passion
The divine essence that enables us to think deeply, make wise choices, and achieve a true understanding of eternal truths
Our biological needs such as hunger, thirst, and sexual desire
Physical Appetite
Basic emotions such as love, anger, ambition, aggressiveness, and empathy
Spirit or passion
the harmonious integration under the control of the reason
Believes that the soul is merely a set of defining feature and that the body and soul are not considered separate entities
[according to Aristotle] Human beings differ from one another because of their capacity for __
rational thinking
who introduced the three kinds of soul
what are the Three kinds of soul
Vegetative Soul Sentient Soul Rational Soul
[kind of soul] Includes the physical body that can grow
Vegetative Soul
[kind of soul] Includes sensual desires, feelings, and emotions
Sentient Soul
[kind of soul] What makes man human ; Includes the intellect that allows man to know and understand things
Rational Soul
The rational nature of the self is to lead a good, flourishing and fulfilling life
Believes that the physical body is radically different from and inferior to its inhabitant, the immortal soul
St. Augustine
Believes that the physical body is radically different from and inferior to its inhabitant, the immortal soul
St. Augustine
The self seeks to be united with God through___ and ____
faith and reason
“ I am doubting, therefore I am”
St. Augustine
Augustine’s work where he describes that humankind is created in the image and likeness of God
“ I think therefore I am” in Latin
Cogito ergo sum
Believes that the act of thinking about the self- of being self conscious - is in itself proof that there is a self
Rene Descarte
who proposed the Two Dimensions of the Human Self
Rene Descarte
[according to Descarte] what are the Two Dimensions of the Human Self
The self as a thinking entity (soul) and The self as a physical body
Non-material, immortal, conscious being, and independent of the physical laws of the universe
The self as a thinking entity (soul)
Material, mortal, non-thinking entity, fully governed by the physical laws of nature
The self as a physical body
who proposed that The self or personal identity is constructed primarily from sense experiences
John Locke
- accompanies thinking and makes possible the concept people have of a self
- necessary to have a coherent personal (self) identity or knowledge of self as a person
What makes identity of a person similar in different situations
Self- Consciousness
is based on careful observation of experiences
plays an important role in helping to figure out the significance of sense experience and to reach intelligent conclusions
Suggests that if people carefully examine their sense experience through introspection, they will discover that there is no self
David Hume
what are the distinct entities according to Hume
impressions and ideas
- basic sensations of people’s experience ; ex. Hate, love, joy, grief, pain, cold, heat
- strong and lively
- thoughts and images from impressions
- less lively and vivid
(according to Hume) what results to the idea of personal identity
proposed that the self consists of three layers
Sigmund Freud
Three layers of the self
conscious, unconscious and preconscious
usually takes into account the realistic demands of the situation, the consequences of various actions, and the overriding need to preserve the equilibrium (balance) of the entire psychodynamic system of the self
conscious self
Contains material that is not threatening and is easily brought to mind.
contains the basic instinctual drives including sexuality, aggressiveness, and self-destruction; traumatic memories; unfulfilled wishes and childhood fantasies; and thoughts and feelings that would be considered socially taboo.
consists of all which can be retrieved from memory.
Governed by the “reality principle”
conscious self
governed by the “pleasure principle”
Much of the self is determined by the ____ self
unconscious self
believed that The physical brain and not the imaginary mind, gives people the sense of self
Paul Churchland
The idea that the self is inseparable from the brain and the physiology of the body
Eliminative Materialism
The mind does not really exist because____
it cannot be experiences by the senses
The self in the form of ______, utilizes conceptual categories to construct an orderly and objective world that is stable and can be investigated scientifically
The self in the form of consciousness, utilizes conceptual categories which he calls ______, to construct an orderly and objective world that is stable and can be investigated scientifically
transcendental deduction of categories
[according to Kant] The product of reason is
Uses the categories of our mind to filter, order, relate, organize and synthesize sensations into a unified whole
Constructs its own reality, actively creating a world that is familiar, predicable, and mine
[according to Kant] A regulative principle
Through rationality, people are able to understand certain abstract ideas that have no corresponding physical objects or sensory experience
Stated that self has a unified experience with a paradigm/ model that people should understand
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Consciousness, the world, & the human body are intricately intertwined
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
the tendency or disposition of a person to behave in a certain way in certain circumstances
“I act therefore I am”
Gilbert Ryle
Proposed that the mind and body are intrinsically linked in complex and intimate ways - the self is the same as bodily behavior
Gilbert Ryle
is the totality of human dispositions that is known through the way people behave
The mind