Chapter 2: Listen to Learn Lymphatic and Immune Systems Flashcards
What is Allergen?
Is a substance that produces an allergic reaction in an individual.
What is Anaphylaxis?
Is a severe response to an allergen in which the symptoms develop quickly. Without help, the patient can die within a few minutes.
What is Antibody?
Is a disease fighting protein created by the immune system in response to the presence of a specific antigen.
What is an Antigen Antibody reaction?
An antigen antibody reaction involves the binding of antigens to antibodies, also knows as the immune reaction.
What is an Antigen?
Is any substance that the body regards as being foreign.
What is an Autoimmune Disorder?
Is any of the large group of diseases characterized by a condition in which the immune system produces antibodies to work against its own tissues.
What are Bacilli?
They are rod-shaped spore-forming bacteria that cause diseases such as tuberculosis and tetanus.
What is a Bacteria?
Bacteria are a group of one-celled microscopic organisms, some of which cause diseases in humans.
What is Carcinoma in situ?
Describes a malignant tumor in its original position that has not yet invaded the surrounding tissues.
What is Carcinoma?
A malignant tumor that occurs in epithelial tissue.
What is Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma?
Is breast cancer that starts in the milk duct, breaks through the wall of that duct, and invades the surrounding fatty breast tissue.
What is Metastasis?
The noun that describes the new cancer site that results from the spreading process.
What is Metastasize?
The verb that describes the process by how cancer spreads from one place to another.
What is Rickettsia?
Is a small bacterium that lives in lice, fleas, ticks, and mites. Can be transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick.
What is a Sarcoma?
A malignant tumor that arises from connective tissue.
What is Spirochetes?
Are spiral-shaped bacteria that have flexible walls and are capable of movement.
What are Staphylococci?
Are bacteria that form irregular groups or clusters.
What are Streptococci?
Are bacteria that form a chain.
What is Toxoplasmosis?
Is a parasite that is most commonly transmitted from pets to humans by contact with contaminated feces. If a woman contracts this condition during pregnancy, it can result in abnormalities in the developing child such as microcephalus, or hydrocephalus.
What is Varicella?
A disease caused by a herpes virus that is highly contagious, also known as chickenpox.