chapter 2 (history and phylogeny) Flashcards
age of exploration
1st global-scale view:
- identifying patterns
- trends in diversity (latitude, elevation, depth below sea level)
carolus linnaeus
- god = speaks through nature (classifying = divine act)
- “father of taxonomy”; developed binomial nomenclature and “species”
- spread of life = unchanging
- 3 kingdoms = animals, plants, minerals
binomial nomenclature
classifying/naming all life
- genus + species
- more similar taxonomy = more relation
paradisiacal mountain
- Linnaeus hypothesis
- all life started @ equator; all perfectly adapted to particular environment (diverse mountains)
- all put during creation and just dispersed
3 domains
bacteria, archaea, eukarya
prokaryotes (organelles, no nucleus)
multicellular w/ nucleus
group of similar species (capital)
brand group; organisms w/ shared traits
all life in similar regions
land w/ similar ecological conditions
Georges-louis Leclerc de Buffon
- life originated in N.W. Europe
- climate changes; life separated and modified –> world = dynamic
- evolution/survival of species
Buffon’s law
1st principle of biogeography
- (similar environment) + (geographically isolated) = distinct assemblages of life
cosmopolitan species
“generalist species”
- species that can be found anywhere
- adaptations to withstand all ecosystems
- exception to Buffon’s law
cook + Forster
developed 1st global botanical view
- applied Buffon’s law to plants, mammals, and birds
plant geo synthesis
- plants reflect geographic climate
Alexander humboldt
“father of phytogeography” (plants)
- applied Buffon’s law to all terrestrial biotas
- floristic belts
floristic belts
elevational zones (tropics –> arctic) w/ plant regions
unifying theories; set rules of “normal” science
3 important advances of 19th century
- better estimate of earth’s age
- better understanding of dynamic (changing) nature
- better understanding of mechanisms for spread/dispersal (immigration) and diversification (extinction/speciation)
lyell (and brogniart)
- fossil record = extinction
(didn’t understand evolution)
Wallace’s line
line separating similar environments and species (between Asia and Australia)