Chapter 2 glossary Flashcards
process of simple molecules combining to form a complex molecule; requires energy
aka gross anatomy; study of human body structures, how body parts are organized, science of interconnected structures of organisms or of their parts
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
part of the nervous system that controls involuntary muscle action and regulates the action of the smooth muscles, glands, blood vessels, heart and breathing
middle part of the muscle
body system
aka systems; groups of body ORGANS acting together to perform one or more functions
one of the body’s most complex organs that controls all the body’s functions
muscle of the cheek between the upper and lower jaw that compresses that cheeks and expels air between the lips
process of breaking complex molecules down into simple molecules; releases energy
cell membrance
thin layer of tissue that surrounds the cell; it protects the interior of the cell from surroundings; semipermeable
basic unit of all living things
central nervous system
controls voluntary muscle actions and consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nervs
cervical vertabrae
seven bones located below the skull; provide support, structure and flexibility to the neck
connective tissue
is fibrous tissue binds and supports other body tissues and organs
small muscle located between eyebrows below the frontalis; draws the eyebrow down and wrinkles forehead vertically
oval, bony case consisting of eight bones that protect the brain
watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus; provides structure for cell parts to move within the cell membrane
depressor labii inferioris
muscle that surrounds the lower lip and draws it to one side, as when expressing sarcasm
epicranial aponeurosis
tendon that connects the occipitalis and frontalis muscle
broad muscle that cover the top of the skull and consists of the occipitalis and frontalis
epithelial tissue
provides a covering that protects the body and is found within mony parts of the body such as skin, mucous membrane, digestive and respiratory organ the lining of the mouth, the lining of the heart and glands
ethmoid bone
separates nasal cavity for the brrain
facial skeleton
framework of the face; composed of 14 bone
frontal bone
bone that forms the forehead
front portion of the epicranius; scalp muscle that raises the eyebrow, draws the scalp forward and causes wrinkles across the forehead
hyoid bone
u-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports it and its muscles; the only bone of the throat
integumentary system
body system consisting of skin and accessory organs, such as the oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair and nails, it serves as a protective covering and helps regulate the body’s temperature
connection between 2 or more bones
lacrimal bones
2 small, thin bones located in the front inside wall of the eye sockets
levator anguli oris
muscle that raises the angle of the mouth and draws it inward
levator labii superioris
muscle that surrounds and elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostrils as when expressing distaste
levator palpebrae superioris
thin muscle that controls the movement of the eye
largest and strongest bone of the face that forms the lower jaw
originates at the lower part of the zygomatic; moves the mandible, causing the mouth to close
medical term for chewing
maxillae bones
2 bones that form the upper jaw
muscle at the tip of the chin that elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin
chemical process by which cells convert nutrients to energy
process of cell reproduction that occurs when the cell divides into 2 identical daughter cells
motor nerves
carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands; these transmitted impulses produce movement
muscular system
body system that covers and holds the skeletal system in place and moves various body parts
study of the structure, functions, and diseases of the muscular system
nasal bone
two bones that form the bridge of the nose
whitish bundles of nerve fibers that transmit impulses
nerve tissue
carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily funtions
nervous system
well organized body system composed off the brain, spinal cord, and nerves; controls and coordinates all other body systems
study of the structure, function, and pathology of the nervous system
specialized structure at the center of the cell; controls growth and reproduction of the cell and contains the cell’s genetic material
occipital bone
located below the parietal bones forming the back of the skull above the nape
back portion of the epicranius; muscle that draws the scalp backward
orbicularis oculi
ring of muscle of the eye socket that closes the eyelids and assists in pumping tears
orbicularis oris
muscle that circles the mouth and contracts, puckers, and wrinkles the lips
groups of specialized TISSUES designed to perform specific functions
part of the muscle that does not move and is anchored to the bone; attached closest to the skeleton
the study of bones
parietal bones
two bones that form the sides and top of the cranium
peripheral nervous system
system of nerves connecting the outer parts of the body to the central nervous system; both sensory and motor nerves; carries impulses to and from the central nervous system
the study of the functions or activities performed by the body’s structures
broad muscle extending form the pectoral and deltoid muscles to the side of the chin; responsible for lowering the lower jaw and lip
muscle that covers the bridge of the nose, lowers the eyebrows, and causes wrinkles across the bridge of the nose
makes up a cell; contains nutrients , mineral salts, and water
automatic reaction that involves sending an impulse from a sensory nerve to the spinal cord
muscle at the corner of mouth that draws it out and back, as when grinning
sensory nerves
they carry messages form the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord
skeletal system
forms the physical foundation of the body and is composed of 206 bones of varied size and shape; connected by movable and immovable joints
skeleton of the head; divided into two parts called the cranium and facial skeleton
spinal cord
is the portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain and extends down to the bottom of the spine
sphenoid bone
form base and sides of the skull; connects all bones together
neck muscle that lowers and rotates the head; originates at the clavicle and inserts at the temporal bone near the ear
temporal bones
two bones forming the sides of the head in the ear region
located near the temple that opens and closes the jaw
group of similar CELLS that perform a specific function
muscle that covers the back of the neck and upper and middle regions of the back; lifts and turns the head, raises the shoulder and controls swinging movements of the arm
muscle at the lip that extends over the chin and pulls down the corners of the mouth when frowning
zygomatic bones
aka cheekbones or malar bones; they form the prominence of the cheeks and the outer part of eye socket
zygomaticus major
muscle that extends from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth; directs the lip outward and upward when laughing or smiling
zygomaticus minor
muscle that works with the zygomaticus major to make facial expressions