Chapter 2 - Freud Flashcards
Most of Freudian theory was …
discounted, even in his lifetime
Freudian theory is not the most highly _______ in our _______, except in ___________ psychology
regarded; history; personality
Freud was the first to come up with a ____________ _______ of __________ (from birth to death).
comprehensive theory of personality
Freud was the most famous student of a very famous ____________, J___ __________
neurologist; Jean Charcot
Franz Mesmer and Feud came up with the technique of _________.
Freud was trained as a ____________.
______, _______ and _______ worked on a particular set of disorders which at the time were called ________ disorders.
Freud, Charcot and Mesmer
hysterical disorders
What were the two manifestations of hysterical disorders?
Hysterical blindness
Hysterical paralysis
What was the belief for the manifestations of hysterical disorders?
It was believed to be a result of a woman’s uterus becoming unattached and wondering throughout their body.
What are Hysterical Disorders now known as?
Conversion Disorders
What are Freud’s enduring contributions?
Legitimized (popularized) psychotherapy as intervention
Psychological Defense Mechanism
What are the topics central to Freud’s Theory? (4)
o Levels of consciousness
o Parts of personality
o Anxiety and defense mechanisms
o Stages of psychosexual development
Freud believe that all humans were ______ ___, to some degree
mentally ill
What are the Freudian Basic Instincts?
What does Eros mean and what is it?
Eros = sex instinct
Controlled 90% of human behavior
A destructive self-drive
What does Thanatos mean and what is it?
Thanatos = the death wish
Neo Freudians substituted with Aggression
Freud said that all living beings have a desire to turn to their natural state (dying)
What is the philosophical underpinnings of Freudian Basic Instincts?
Psychic determinism
Deterministic theory says that there is no ____ ____ (belief of psychology in general). What looks like a ______ is only one course of action we as humans are going to take.
free will
Freud believed that personality development was ____ _______. By age _.
very limited
What are the Freudian Levels of Consciousness?
Conscious Level
Preconscious Level
Unconscious Level
What is involved in the conscious level?
Thoughts and perceptions
What is involved in the preconscious level?
Memories and stored knowledge
(are easily accessed)
What is involved in the unconscious level?
Fears, violent motives, immoral urges, selfish needs, irrational wishes, unacceptable sexual desires, shameful experiences
Freud claimed that only he could do what?
Access one’s unconscious level with psychoanalysis
Freud believed that humans live in a constant state of _______ (but the degree varies) and stems from ______ _____ that we have. He said that the only way people can survive these high ______ ______, have ______ _________. These _______ _________ which push _______ thoughts down into the _________.
sexual urges
anxiety thoughts
defense mechanisms
What are the parts of the personality?
Parts of Personality - Id
Governed by the ________ Principle
__________ level
Present and _____
Home to ______ and _________ drives
sexual and aggressive
Parts of Personality - Ego
_______, __________ and __________ levels
Develops in _________ (before superego)
Governed by the _______ principle
Acts as a _______ between __ and _______
Conscious, preconscious and unconscious
referee; id; superego
Parts of Personality - Superego
____________ and __________ levels
Develops in _________
Home to ________ and _________
Governed by the ___ ideal
Incorporation of praise by _______ and ______ for things that the _____ does _____
Preconscious and unconscious
morality and conscience
ego ideal
parents; adults; child; well
Define Freudian Defense Mechanisms
Unconscious processes that prevent unacceptable thoughts or urges from reaching conscious awareness
Name 10 Freudian Defense Mechanisms
Reaction formation
Name the defense mechanism:
o The most basic defense mechanism
o Forgetting unpleasant events
Name the defense mechanism:
o Blocking external events from awareness
o Common process of alcoholics and substance abusers
Name the defense mechanism:
o Occurs under times of stress
o Reverts to coping mechanism appropriate for an earlier developmental period
Name the defense mechanism:
o Commonly used in ambiguous situations
o An attribution about another’s motives
o In reality, provides information about the person making the attribution
o (Very commonly used in ambiguous situations)
Name the defense mechanism:
o Another attribution
o Made about the self
o Attributing good quality to one’s self that one does not have
Name the defense mechanism:
o Behaving in a manner opposite to true feelings
o Person’s true feelings: “I hate my mother”
o Person’s actions: Visits mother three times per week and constantly buying gifts for mom
Reaction formation
Name the defense mechanism:
o Occurs between people of unequal status
o Taking one’s feelings out on someone else
o Feelings not expressed to person for whom they are intended because to do so might have bad consequences for the person due to power differential
Name the defense mechanism:
o Excuse-making
o Presented as a rationale for the person’s actions
Name the defense mechanism:
o Putting one’s own goals on hold for the good of the group
o An appropriate defense mechanism
o Used frequently by individuals who achieve greatness
Name the defense mechanism:
o Cracking a joke at a tense moment
o Purpose: restore equilibrium and good feeling
o An appropriate and high-level defense
Freud believed that ___________ development occurs simultaneously with s_____ development
P___________ development solely related to ______ development
Oral Stage (b____-_ year)
Erogenous zone =
Developmental task =
birth - 1 year
Erogenous zone = the mouth
Developmental task = weaning (transitioning from breast milk to solid/baby food)
Anal Stage (_-_year)
Erogenous zone =
Developmental task =
Fixation =
1-3 years
Erogenous zone = the anus
Developmental task = toilet training
Fixation = anal retentiveness or anal explusiveness
Phallic Stage (_-_year)
O______ and E______ complexes
Erogenous zone =
Developmental task =
Fixation =
3-6 years
Oedipus; Electra
Erogenous zone = the penis or vagina
Developmental task = resolution of Oedipal complex
Fixation = masturbation
Latency period (_-__)
Erogenous zone =
Developmental task =
6-12 years (until puberty)
Erogenous zone = NONE
Developmental talk = reading & writing and making same-sexed friends
Genital stage (_______-______)
Erogenous zone =
Developmental task =
Fixation =
Erogenous zone = penis or vagina
Developmental task = establishing intimate relationships with someone of opposite sex
Fixation = masturbation
What was the purpose of psychoanalysis?
Cause the individual to…
Cause the individual to have a full blown psychotic break and then Freud would reconstruct based on what he thought the personality should.
Psychoanalysis would only occur to ____________ patients
Psychanalysis - patient had no ability to ___________ by answering his ________. If they disagree, Freud called them as being
participate; questions; resistant
People that generally sought out Freud were…
wealthy white women
Freud’s personality theory was based on…
5 wealthy white women
Freud also believed that all psychopathology resulted of a woman unable to achieve an ______ through _______ __________.
orgasm; vaginal intercourse
In psychoanalysis, patients often spent how long in therapy?
12 years
What are the 3 main techniques of Freudian Therapy?
Dream analysis
Free association
Which of Freud’s main 3 techniques did he believe was the most important?
Dream analysis
What was the goal of dream analysis?
to unlock contents of the unconscious
“The royal road to the unconscious”
What are the 2 part of every dream according to Freud?
Manifest content
Latent content
In dream analysis, what does manifest content refer to?
The dream narrative
The story which comprised the dream
In dream analysis, what does latent content refer to?
Only known to Freud, could not be discovered by the person having the dream
What does Freud’s Free association technique refer to?
50 minute sessions
Say everything that comes to mind
Freud provided interpretation of disclosure
What does Freud’s Parapraxis technique refer to?
“The Freudian Slip”
Contents of the unconscious rising to consciousness
Today: verbal misfiring in the brain
What is Transference in Freudian Therapy?
Inappropriate behavior of patient to the therapist
Normal artifact of being in therapy
What is Countertransference in Freudian Therapy?
Inappropriate behavior of therapist
What are the non-scientific critiques of Freud? (3)
o Concepts not well-defined
o Concepts reflect his personal pathology
o Claims are hard to falsify
What are Freud’s contributions?
Legitimized psychotherapy
Defense mechanisms
Frued - Research supported:
Importance of early _____________ ______
D______ m_________
childhood events
defense mechanisms
Freud - more limited research support
Unconscious (very limited)
Freud - no research support
What are the stats for 2012 Statistic of Theoretical Orientation – Div. 12 of APA?
Cognitive-behavioral - __%
Eclectic - __%
Psychodynamic - __%
What are the stats for 2013 Statistics of Canadian Psychological Association?
Cognitive-behavioral - __%
Eclectic - __%
Psychodynamic - __%
Systems - __%
Carl Jun - Important Contributions
C__________ u_____________
(believed in only ________ and ___________)
First one to belive P_________ D__________ occurred over _____ _____
Creator of the terms E_________-I__________
First to talk about Personality T_____ and Personality T____
o Collective unconscious (believed in only conscious and unconscious)
o First one to believe Personality development occurred over life span
o Creator of the terms Extraversion – Introversion
o First to talk about Personality Types and Personality Tests
Explain what Carl Jung believed about the psyche
The mind as a whole
Contains all conscious and unconscious processes
Carl Jung – Levels of Consciousness (_ parts)
What is an architype?
How do we know they exist?
Emotionally charged images
We know they exist through dreams and hallucinations