Chapter 2 - Archaeology Flashcards
What is radiocarbon dating (carbon 14 dating)?
A method of dating based on the falling levels of carbon-14 in tissue over time.
What is a geophysical survey?
A survey of what’s underneath the ground, like an x-ray of the ground.
What is stratigraphy?
A method of dating artefacts and evidence by how deep in the ground they were when found.
What is pollen analysis?
Pollen analysis is the study of pollen remains to find out what was growing at a site during a particular time period.
What is dendrochronology?
A method of dating that uses the unique growth patterns of tree rings as a guide for identifying how old a tree was.
What can you learn from DNA testing?
You can learn the ethnicity of a person.
What is 3D reconstruction?
Using computers, and then clay, to reconstruct a part of a body. It can even rebuild someone’s face from their skull to make it possible to see what people looked like in the past.
What can studying human bones tell us?
Pelvis: Shows gender
Teeth: Shows age when they died
Thigh Bone: Shows height
Skin/Hair: Shows diet
Bones can show if person had diseases, good or bad nutrition, or a violent death.
What does conservation mean?
When historic objects are protected and preserved so that they do not decay.
What is a hunter gatherer?
A hunter gatherer is someone who hunted animals for food and gathered berries and nuts.
What is an aerial photograph?
An aerial photograph is a photograph taken of the ground from an elevated position, for example from a helicopter or drone.
What is an excavation?
An excavation is when archaeologists dig up the ground to find evidence left by people in the past.
What was the Iron Age?
The Iron Age was a period of time when people made tools and weapons from iron.
What is the topsoil?
The topsoil is the uppermost, most recent layer of soil.
Name 3 tools that are used during excavations.
Brushes, shovels and trowels are 3 tools used during excavations.
What is archaeology?
Archaeology is the study of the remains left by people in the past.
What is a test trench?
A test trench is a sample hole dug to see if there is anything of interest present and judge whether it is worth excavating the whole site.