Chapter 2 Flashcards
What do artists use to create new forms and why?
raw materials for an expressive end
in the end, what is the only important aspect of art?
its expressive end
What does art interpret?
human experiences (life)
Creative artists arouse what?
specific emotions or feeling
What does successful art do?
intensify our sensations
Aesthetic experiences deal primarily with what?
human feelings
4 ways aesthetic experiences are produced
direct stimulation (Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix
types and symbols (Guernica)
Representation of emotional behavior (The Third of May)
Expressing personal feeling (Starry Night by Van Gogh)
Appreciation of art takes what?
physical materials that influence how other elements will be organized
Horizontal: repose and stability Vertical: strength Diagonal: motion Long curve: relaxation Short curve: dynamic agitation
open and closed, whether the artist wants to see outside or not
Linear: vanishing point
aerial/atmospheric: distant objects are less detailed
White for purity, purple for royalty, blue for faith
monochromatic: mainly one color
hue: property of reflected light that shows color
saturation: purity of a color
arrangement of materials into a recognizable pattern
Organization guided by
unity (repetition), variety (contrast creates it), balance (symmetry), form (lack of unity is chaos)
Raphael’s School of Athens
achieves unity by repeated diminishing arch forms and illustrate linear perspective
Wheat Fields
atmospheric perspective
Nude Descending a Staircase
general sense of movement
non-art example
chicken paints while running
art requires
thoughtful manipulation
Music has (like visual arts)
unity and variety
recognizable group or patter
larger group than motive
Consonance and Dissonance
repose and tension
completely dissonant, clusters or aleatoric (chance)
intensification of certain overtones
2 elementary types of form
type 1: Theme and Variation
type 2: repetition and contrast
established forms
dance, rondo, Turkish March, sonata
music is primarily responded to
through the emotions (common or acquired)
Painting v. Music
line and melody or rhythm, color and timbre, physical and aural materials
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
homophonic, 4/4, major, strings, sonato allegro
Sonato Allegro
Exposition, repetition, development, recap)