Chapter 2 Flashcards
Basis for thought. 2 stimuli that occur together are learned and go together…contiguity, frequency, intensity
Classical conditioning. Aka respondent conditioning.
Bell CS->food US-> salivation UR->
BellCS->salivation CR
Literally, proximity or closeness.
Neutral stimulus
A stimulus that does not produced a automatic response. In classical conditioning a neural response
A decrease in the strength of a reflex as a result of related presentations of the stimulus by itself
The weakening of a previously conditioned response when the CS is presented by itself. In reinforcement, the weakening of a previously reinforced response when the response no longer produces the reinforce. Refers to omission of the US or reinforcer or the weakening of the response.
Forgetting is simply something that never got stored into your longer term memory from your short term memory.
Responding to a stimulus because of training involving another stimulus. The strength of responding usually depends on the similarity of the two stimulupi-the greater the similarity, the greater the generalization. Little Albert
Little Albert
John B. Watson
Little boy conditioned to be afraid of a white rat with a loud noise and generalized with being scared of all white and furry objects. Phobias are conditioned responses
Systematic desensitization
A therapy for phobias based on counterconditoning. Patients visualize fear-evoking stimuli whole relaxing, to associate the stimuli with relaxation instead of fear.