Chapter 2 Flashcards
Info that is spread for the purpose of promoting a doctrine or cause.
The imitation of behavior from media.
Content Analysis
A research method in which observers systematically analyze media subject matter.
Laboratory Experiment
Scientific method of isolating and observing variables in a controlled environment.
Survey Methods
Research methods that rely on questionnaires to collect research data.
Random Sampling
Method that ensures that every member of the population being studied has an equal chance of being chosen.
Selective Perception
Process by which people with different attitudes interpret the same messages differently.
Selective Retention
Process by which people with different views remember the same event differently.
Opinion Leaders
Well-informed people who help others interpret media messages.
Two-Step Flow
Communication process in which media effects travel through opinion leaders.
Applied Research
Media investigations devoted to practical, commercial purposes.
A process by which viewers of media violence develop callousness or emotional neutrality in the face of a real-life act of violence.
A set of related statements that seek to explain and predict behavior.
Powerful-Effects Model
Model that predicts that media will have swift and potent influence.
Minimal-Effects Model
Model that predicts that media will have little influence on behavior.