Chapter 2 Flashcards
Psychosocial theory
Bandura and Skinner
-Focuses on social and cultural environment
8 stages of development characterized by crises and resolution
Based on our drive to become integrated into our social and cultural environment throughout our lifespan
Main development challenge is to establish bond with trusted caregiver ( food)
Infancy- Trust v Mistrust
Main development challenge is to develop a healthy sense of self as distinct from other
Toddlerhood- Autonomy v shame & doubt
Initiate activities in a purposeful way
Early Childhood-Initiative v guilt
Begin to learn knowledge and skill of culture
Middle Childhood- Industry V inferiority
Develop a secure and coherent identity
Adolescence - Identity v Identity confusion
establish a committed, long term love relationship
Early adulthood- intimacy v isolation
Care for others and contribute to well-being of the young
Middle Adulthood - Generativity v stagnation
evaluate lifetime, accept it as it is
Late adulthood-ego integrity v despair
Cognitive abilities are organized into a coherent mental structure
Driving force behind development from one stage to next is maturation, as well as child’s effort to understand and influence surrounding environment
Child construction of reality take place through schemes
Capable of coordinating the activities with motor activities
0-2 sensorimotor
Capable of symbolic representation, such as in language, but
with limited ability to use mental operations
Capable of using mental operations, but only in concrete,
immediate experience; difficulty thinking hypothetically
7-11, concrete operation
Capable of thinking logically and abstractly; capable of
formulating hypotheses and testing them systematically;
thinking is more complex, including ability to think about
thinking (metacognition)
11-15 and up
Formal operation
Argues that children learn from modeling and imitate behavior they see performed by other who are rewarded or at least not punished
Social Learning theory