Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is clean air
Air that has no harmful chemicals or pollution
What can pollution cause
Pollution can cause humans to become sick
What would you have to do to figure out if the air in Jacksonville is polluted
- figure out the chemical percentages and if they are outside of normal
- in order to define normal you have to define a standard of air - is not normal unhealthy? Just because it isn’t normal does not mean it is unhealthy for humans
How to find the composition of air
You have to test and measure the levels, you can’t just see or guess the airs chemical levels
- 1) separate - figure our the components of air
- 2) measure - find the numbers of all of the chemicals in air
% = part per hundred
Ppm = part per million
Ppm = part per billion
% = part per hundred
1% = 1 atom/100 atoms = 1 molecules/100 molecules
Ppm = part per million
1ppm = 1 molecule/10^6 molecules
Ppm = part per billion
1ppb = 1 molecule/10^9 molecules
Parts per hundred (percent)
Atmosphere is 21% oxygen = 21 oxygen molecules per 100 molecules of air
Parts per million (ppm)
Midday ozone levels reach about 0.4 ppm = 0.4 ozone molecules/ 1 = 10^6 molecules of air
Parts per billion (ppb)
Sulfur dioxide in the air should not exceed 30 ppb = 30 sulfur dioxide molecules/ 1 x 10^9 molecules of air
21% means?
Means 21 parts per hundred
Means 210 parts per thousand
Means 2,100 parts per ten thousand
Means 21,000 parts per hundred thousand
Means 210,000 parts per million
To convert percent to ppm, what should you do?
Multiply by 10,000 this is the same as moving the decimal place 4 places to the right
1% = 10,000 ppm
To convert ppm to % what should you do?
Multiply by 0.0001 this is the same as moving the decimal point 4 places to the left
1 ppm = 0.0001%
EPA’s air quality index
0-50 = good (green)
51-100 = moderate (yellow)
101-150 = unhealthy for sensitive groups (orange)
151-200 = unhealthy (red)
201-300 = very unhealthy (purple)
301-500 = hazardous (maroon)
The air quality index takes into account what?
CO, NOx, ozone, SOx, lead, and particulates
Toxicity - intrinsic health hazard of a substance (what is the hazard and how big is the risk)
Exposure - the amount of the substance encountered (how long; second hand living with a smoker)
How to name binary ionic compounds
1) names the more metallic element first
2) name the less metallic element which is modified with the suffix “ide”