Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is the benefit of having a good info system
can give corporations a competitive advantage
Competitive advantage
any assets that provide an organization with an edge against its competitors
Business process
ongoing collection of tasks in a specific sequence that create a product or a service of value
has 3 components: inputs resources outputs
3 parts of a business process
inputs: materials, info, services that flow thorugh the process
resources: people or tools to make stuff
output: end result
how do companies measure their progress
-measure of progress
-creating outputs of value to the business process customer—focusing on quality of work
- doing stuff without wasting resources;
- progressing from one process activity to another without delay or without wasting money.
-getting more things done with the same or fewer resources.
all of the tasks involved in getting needed materials from a vendor.
made up of five steps that in three different functional areas of the firm: warehouse, purchasing, and accounting.
procurment process steps
1) warehouse recognizes taht we need to procure materials; signs a purchase requisiton, send to purchasing dept
2)purhcasing dept finds vendor, orders
3) vendor ships the material, recieivd in warehouse
4) vendor sends an INVOICE, recived by the accoutning department
5) acct dept send payment to the vendor
invoice defintiion
An invoice is a document given to the buyer by the seller to collect payment
fulfilment process
the act of processing customer orders
steps of fulfilment process
- customer purchase order, recieved by sales
- sales validates the purcahse order, creates sales order
-sales tracks progress of order
-warehouse sends shipment to customer
-once acct notified of shipment, creates an invoice and sends it to the customer
-customer makes payment, recorded by acountig
3 roles of IS in Business processes
1) executing the process
2) capturing and storing process data
3) montioring process performance
1executing the process- procurement & fulfillment
letting employees know when to complete task.
providingg the data needed to complete the task
2 capturing and storing process data
processing data, (g=times, product numbers, prices etc)
transaction data providing real time feedback
3 Monitoring business performance
evaluating info to determinne how well process was executed
identifies probelms for process improvement
Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Radical redesign of a corporation, strategy to make an org more productive and profitable
How to do BPR
-VIEW THE PROCESSES FROM A “Clean sheet” perspective
-determine how you can re-make it to be better
BPR cons
too difficult, too radical, too lengthy
LOTS Of impact on orgs
What is Business Process Improvement
-alternative to BPR
-LESS radical and disruptive, more incremental approach
-goal is to reduce variotions in finsihed products by looking for what causes variation in production itself
Who is BPI performed by
Teams of employees, incuding a process “expert” - the process owner
Six Sigma
- popular method for BPI
-goal: <3.4 defects per million of a product created
BPI process 5 phases: DMAIC
Define: look at the exact “as is”, process (inputs outputs resources etc), describe the problem
Measure: measure the relevant metrics (time, cost) to generate ONE OUTPUT, look at the data
Analyze: using software to analyze the as is process map, and identify problems
-software can simulate real situations, and can create multiple scenarios
-Using a software to simulate processes is risk free and cheap
Improve: find possible solutions and address the root causes, create the “TO BE” process, eliminate processes that are useless
** company needs to take care of PROCESS CONTROLS: activities that safeguard company resources!
Control: process metrics and monitors improved process! basically controling the outcome
Why some Orgs use BPI and some BPR?
BPR: huge performance gains
BPI: cheaper, quantifiable results, bottom to top (bc employees can implement this in own life), less time takes, use less resources
Business Process Management (BPM)
Sustain BPI over time! BPM integrates BPI intiatives into the strategy execution!!!
BPI is small improvements
BPM is mainting BPI in processes
BPR is the whole process overhaul
BPM components
1) processs modelling: graphical depiction of all steps in a process
Business Activity Monitoring
measuring and managing business processesh
BAM tracks operations to see if they are suceeding or failing
Business process management suites
BPMS are integrated applications that are tools for process modelling, simulation, exectution, and coordination
Social BPM
tech that enables employees to collaborate to managemen BP
Why do we care about BPM
it can create a competitive advantage by improving org flexingbility
What are business pressures
market, technology, and societal pressures
business environment
social legal economic phsical poolitical