Chapter 2 Flashcards
What 5 things do final estimate site source records include?
Field Books Site Source Forms Computer Input and Output Final As-Built Plans Daily Work Report
Where is the criteria that standardized calculations and ensures uniform results described?
Chapter 2 of the Basis of Estimates (DOE) Manual. It includes a list of units of measure and the specified precision the Dept requires.
What are Field Books?
Hard bound source documents used primarily for sketches or rendering of items in the field. However, they can also be used to document field measurements and calculations for establishing pay quantities.
How are field books to be handled and recorded?
Because field books are a source document, all information should be recorded accurately and uniformly. They are to be scanned into Electronic Document Management System (EDMS).
What is the field book number and where does it get displayed on a field book?
It is a permanent reference number. It gets displayed on the front cover and spine.
What 6 things should be included on the front cover of each field book?
The field book # The Federal Aid Project # The Financial Project ID # The Contract # The State Road # The general contents of the book
What should be included on the spine of each field book?
The field book # and the Financial Project ID Number.
Should a field book include a list of the content beginning on the first lined page which is to be numbered Page One?
Yes, all following pages that are used to record notes shall be number sequentially in the upper right corner of each hand page.
What 3 types of info needs to be displayed on the field book page at the beginning of each day’s notes?
The date, weather conditions and names of the field party.
Should you erase errors in Field Books?
No, corrections shall be made by striking through the incorrect data and inserting the correct date close to it. All corrections need to be initialed and dated by the person making the correction.
Can you remove pages from a field book?
No, if an entire page is in error, make the original page VOID and show a note referring to the page where that item of work was corrected. The voided sheet should be initialed and dated by the person making the correction.
Should you keep any notes meant for a Field Book on scratch or loose-leaf paper?
No, field notes should be entered directly into the field books at the time and place the work is originally done. Transferring notes to the field books later is prohibited.
What needs to be included with field records?
Sufficient sketches, explanatory notes, pay item numbers, original and final cross-sections and the relevant information.
Are good sketches important when recording final measurements?
Yes, but they do not need to be elaborate.
Should a complete summary be made for each item at the end of its field notes?
Yes, the item summary total will be checked by those persons doing the final estimate and entered on the Summary of Quantity Sheets. the summary and field books shall be properly cross-referenced.
Should you keep the calculations and measurements for Federal Aid participating and not-participating items separated in the field books?
Yes. Same goes for LFA items (locally funded agreement)
When more than one project (state or federal) is constructed under the same contract, should separate field books be kept for each one?
Yes, all measurements and other data should be kept separate for each project.
Should field records containing alignment data be submitted with the final estimates?
Yes, it will contain the necessary info for horizontal contract for new construction projects and major widening projects.
What are site source forms?
Various forms for documenting measurements, quantities and other important final estimate info.
What are the six main types of forms used to track quantities and payments?
1) Final Measurement Site Source Record
2) Daily Report of Truck Measured Material
3) Daily Log Sheet Miscellaneous Tabulation Form
4) Final Measurement Miscellaneous
5) Asphalt Roadway - Daily Report of Quality Control
6) Asphalt Roadway Verification Report
When tracking quantities and payments, how often does each form need to be completed?
Each form is to be completed on a per-day and per item basis. A new tabulation form should be used for each day’s run.
When more than one form is used, what do you need to do?
Show both the page number and the total pages in the series for reach day’s operations so that reviewers can verify that all forms are accounted for.
What records should the contractor’s records be crossed checked with on a regular basis to reconcile any differences?
The inspector records
How do you summarize forms?
Electronically for each reference to back up documentation.
What does the Final Measurement Site Source Record do?
Record the field measurement using the Latitude and Departure method for various pay items. It is used to record area calculations including odd shapes.
What does the Daily Report of Truck Measured Material Form do?
Record the quantity for each truck as materials are delivered to the project.
For recording volume measurements, what info needs to be inserted on the form and used to calculate the total volume hauled to the project?
The manufacturer’s certification or permanent decal on a truck showing the truck’s capacity rounded to the nearest tenth of a cubic year. It is on both sides of the truck.
What does the Miscellaneous Tabulation form do?
There are two versions, one for weight and one for bag count. Weight Site Source Record and Bag Count Site Source Record respectively. These forms record the gross, tare and net weight of each pay item.
What must weight measurements be accompanied by?
Certified weight tickets. Certain bulk weight shipments are acceptable as necessary supporting documentation.
What are the three methods for weighing material and what is the most common?
Rail, Truck and Barge. Truck is most common. and must be done on state certified scales.
What must a truck weight ticket indicate?
Gross, tare and net weight.
Will the state of FL recognize any scale certified by a state agency outside FL using traceable standards?
Yes, all 50 states have adopted the same laws as FL.
Where does the truck number and time of loading get recorded?
Miscellaneous Tabulation Form
What kind of trucks will hauling be done in?
Covered, to minimize loss of material.
What is done with the material left in trucks after the job completetion?
It is hauled by truck to state certified scales to determine the gross, tare and net weights in order to make appropriate deductions from the truck weights.
What if rail cars are used?
They must be visually inspected to ensure that all material has been unloaded.
How are Miscellaneous Tabulation Forms used to calculate Rip Rap since it is paid in cubic yards?
The form calculates the weight by taking the number of bags inputted on the form and multiplying it by the weight of one bag and then converting the quantity to cubic yards which can be paid.
Why was the Final Measurement Miscellaneous Form designed?
To replace hard bound Field Books and record the same type of field info.
Why is it important that Bench Mark (B.M.) elevations are established and checked?
Since considerable time that may pass between the original survey and the start of the construction, BM elevations must be checked to verify accuracy and to re-establish any that have been disturbed.
Why must Check Levels be run at the start of a construction project?
To assure that 1) construction will be done to design elevations and 2) final measurements for payment will be from the same base elevations as the original survey. Payment from inaccurate bench marks could result in considerable over or under payment to contractors.
How is the volume of most earthwork measured?
By cross sections. Original ground line cross section before construction and final cross sections on completion of work.
Where are cross section notes recorded?
On the field records
Where are procedures for preconstruction cross section described?
In the CPAM and the Survey Manual
What are Field records for?
Recording measurements in the field as work is actually accomplished. They are summarized as the basis for final estimates when a project is complete.
Items that are paid for “per each” (like areas, volumes, lengths and individual construction items) must be accompanied by what?
Good sketches
What is the purpose of the Asphalt Roadway - Daily Report of Quality Control Forms (QCRR)?
To record the daily asphalt paving operations.
What information is on the Asphalt Roadway - Daily Report of Quality Control Forms (QCRR) (10 things)?
date, type of material, lot, sublot, the location of the material placed, widths, lanes, lift number tonnage, spread rates and other relevant info.
Who is responsible for filling out the Asphalt Roadway - Daily Report of Quality Control Forms (QCRR)?
The contractor’s Quality Control Technician.
Who must approve the Asphalt Roadway - Daily Report of Quality Control Forms (QCRR) prior to payment?
the Dept’s Project Administrator. The Contractor and Dept personnel should coordinate on asphalt quantities frequently to confirm there is a consensus in the quantities prior to payment.
Since asphalt is a final measure item paid by the tonnage, what is used as documentation for Final Estimate quantities?
Delivery tickets
Delivery tickets are used in conjunction of what as verification for the tonnage paid?
What information should be on a delivery ticket as a minimum (9 things)?
Sequential load # Financial project ID # Date Name and location of the plant Type of mix Place for hand recording mix temperature Truck # Gross, tare and net weights (as applicable) Accumulated total of mix
Who retains the original white version of the Asphaltic Concrete delivery ticket?
the Plant Verification Technician. It then gets scanned into PDF format to become part of the Lot Submittal Package.
Who gets the other copy of the Asphaltic Concrete delivery ticket?
The Roadway Verification Technician.
Who is responsible for filling out the Asphalt Roadway Verification (VT) Report?
The Dept’s Verification Technician
Where are depth measurements taken from when measuring bituminous materials?
The top of the dome to the top of the material and are recorded to the nearest whole 16th of an inch.
What happens when there is a discrepency between the QCRR and the VT report?
Resolution testing. A resolution report will be proved by an independent lab.
Can the depth of material in a tank be converted to gallons with a Tank Calibration Chart?
What is tack an example of?
Bituminous material
What do computer input/output sheets usually show?
The computations of pay item quantities.
Where must computer input/output sheets be uploaded?
What are Final As-Built Plans?
An electronic set of plans which document the original plans with all changes made during construction and shows “as built” conditions.
Who signs and seals the original set of plans?
The Engineer of Record.
Who signs and seals the Final As-Built Plans?
the Responsible Engineer
What should Final As-Built Plans contain?
All changes, both design and construction, shop drawings with adequate sketches, dimensions and notes.
How are changes made the Resident Office noted?
In red font by striking through the original info and inserting the changes.
How should changes made by the project be noted?
Any and all changes made to the project will be electronically reflected on the plans on the collaboration site. No pages shall be discarded.
What do you do if an entire plan sheet is revised?
Imprint the original plan sheet with “VOID” using red text and insert the new plan sheet after the original plan sheet in the set of Final As-Built Plans with an exception of the Key Sheet. The voided key sheet should follow the revised key sheet.
Where are all of the changes made by the Resident Engineer detailed?
on the As-Built Signature sheet.
What are the 8 main components of the Final As-Built Plans?
Key Sheet Signature Sheet Typical Sections Summary of Quantities Plan Sheets Summary of Drainage Structures Optional Material Tabulations and Drainage Structure Sheets Cross Sections
What data should the Key Sheet of the Final As-Built Plans show?
Final As-built Plans shall be prominently redlined across the top of the sheet in place of or above the “Contract Plans” preprinted line. The words Contract Plans shall be lined through or completely deleted.
What 6 things are on the right side and near the lower corner of the Key Sheet?
- Name of Prime Contractor
- Name of the Prime Consultant Construction Engineering Inspection firm
- Name of District Secretary, Resident Engineer and Project Manager
- Project Administrator
- Date the work started
- Date the work was final accepted or completed
What should be shown on the left side of the Key Sheet of the Final As-Built Plans?
A complete index of related documents
Excavation Borrow Pits, Excavation Subsoil and Channel Excavation are to be final measured. What is to be prepared and included with the Final As-Built Plans?
Final cross section sheets and volumetric computations.
The Final As-Built Signature Sheet must be signed and sealed by who?
The Responsible Engineer. He must include a Statement of Disclaimer as to whether or not changes were made to the Original Contract Plans.
Where will all additions, deletions and revisions to the Final As-Built Plans be shown?
The Final As-Built Signature Sheets
What info should be included for each component on the Final As-Built Signature Sheets?
Sheet # on which the change is shown in the plans and a brief description of the revision.
The Summary of Quantities sheets contain Plan Summary Boxes which include what?
The designer’s plan quantities for each pay items and the final quantities which were actually constructed. And totals that have changed during construction will have to have backup documentation.
Are there pay item #s on Lump Sum and Design Build Projects?
No, just pay item descriptions.
What is the Summary of Drainage Structures, Optional Materials Tabulations and Drainage Structure Sheets used for?
To document all info about drainage structures.
Where are the drainage quantities recorded?
The Summary of Drainage Structures sheets.
Where are changes in flow line elevations shown?
the Plan and Profile Sheets
Where are the types of pipe materials and thickness used at each structure shown?
The Drainage Structure Sheets and the Optional Materials Tabulation Sheets.
Where are all significant adjustments in horizonal alignment flow grade delineated?
The Plan and Profile Sheets
What is a projects recorded collection of events for a single day of contract time called?
The Daily Work Report
What will the Daily Work Report include? (5 things)
Site Conditions (including weather and temperature), contract time summary, personnel and equipment on the job site, any accidents or situations and estimated work performed each day during a construction project.
Do daily work report records use precise quantities?
No, only estimated quantities and it not to be sued for final payment purposes.