Chapter 18; Breasts and Axilae Flashcards
most common form of mastaglia; both breast (bilateral); disappears after menopause; more common in younger women; associated w/menstrual cycle
30 years to 50 years; one breast (bilateral); not associated w/menstrual cycle
thickening of normal breast tissue
lumps, pain or tenderness
nipple dischage (clear, stay colors, milky or green) cysts may be present (upper outer quadrant)
benign breast of fibrocystic disease
benign tumor of the glandular tissue of the breast;
mobile, firm, well-delineated lumps
most common in adolescent girls and women under 30
firm, round tumors (1-5cm)
single tumor near nipple or upper outer quadrant
tiny growth of epithelial cells that project into the lumen of the lactiferous ducts
one or more lump in breast
nipple dischage
intraductal papillomas
inflammation of the lactiferous ducts behind the nipple
often asymptomatic
breast tenderness or inflammation of the clogged duct
mammary duct ectasia
carcinoma of the breast; most commonly diagnosed form of cancer
breast lump or thickening of local area dimpling over the tumor deviation of breast or nipple from if normal alignment nipple retraction edema discharge peau d'orange
breast cancer
enlargement of the male breast tissue
edema from blocked lymphatic drainage in advanced cancer causes “orange peel” appearance
peau D’orange
1% of all breast cancer occurs in men
breast lump bloody or clear nipple discharge swelling of breast tissue nipple inversion dimpling redness or pitting scaling, peeling or flaking of nipple or breast skin
male breast carcinoma (cancer)