Chapter 18 Flashcards
Define “terms of trade”
rate at which units of one product can be exchanged for units of another product
Define consumption possibilities curve
curve showing the combinations of two goods that can be consumed when a nation specializes in a particular good and trades with another nation
How does free trade affect employment?
generally, it will hurt whatever the trading partner’s specialization is in the domestic economy
what are the four import-restriction policies?
outright ban on imports, an import quota, voluntary export restraints, and a tariff.
import quota
a government-imposed limit on the quantity of a good that can be imported
voluntary export restraint (VER)
a scheme under which an exporting country voluntarily decreases its exports
import licenses
rights, issued by a government, to import a good
tax on imported goods
what are the 3 rationales for protectionist policies?
to shield workers from foreign competition, to nurture infant industries until they mature, and to help domestic firms establish monopolies in world markets
learning by doing
knowledge and skills workers gain during production that increase productivity and lower cost
infant industries
industries that are at an early stage of development
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - international agreement established in 1947 that has lowered trade barriers between the US and other nations
World Trade Organization
an organization established in 1995 that oversees GATT and other international trade agreements, resolves trade disputes, and holds forums for further rounds of trade negotiations
what are some of the most prominent regional trade agreements?
NAFTA (between Canada, America, and Mexico); eliminated tariffs and other trade barriers
EU (removed all trade barriers to create a single market in Europe)
APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation); nonbinding, 18 Asian nations, reduce trade barriers between them
DR-CAFTA (Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement) - promote trade liberalization between US, DR, and 5 Central American countries.
never legal in international trade agreements
situation in which price a firm charges in a foreign market is lower than either the price it charges in its home market or the production cost
price discrimination
the practice of selling a good at different prices to different consumers
predatory pricing
a firm sells a product at a price below its production cost to drive a rival out of business and then increases the price
Are environmental policies good for economic well-being and free trade?
generally no
What is the relationship between trade and income inequality?
trade theory suggests that free trade does promote income inequality as a result of specialization
firms producing components of their goods and services in other countries