Chapter 10 Flashcards
Fiscal policy is _____.
• change in gov’t taxing/spending that affects GDP
Expansionary policies _____, while contractionary policies _____.
- are gov’t policies aimed at increasing aggregate demand to bolster GDP.
- aim to decrease aggregate demand to control the “ups and downs” to prevent hyperinflation and depression.
In terms of their effects on the aggregate demand curve, expansionary policies _____ and contractionary policies _____.
- shift the curve to the right
* shift the curve to the left
The fiscal multiplier means _____
• the total shift in aggregate demand will be greater than the initial shift.
Stabilization policies _____.
• seek to move the economy closer to full employment aka potential output
Inside lags _____ while outside lags _____.
- consist of the time it takes to formulate a policy (usually the longer part)
- are the time it takes for a policy to work (usually short)
The two components of the federal budget are _____.
• federal purchases and transfer payments
Discretionary spending consists of _____, and entitlement and mandatory spending is _____.
- spending programs that Congress authorizes on an annual basis
- authorized by Congress via prior law
The fiscal year goes from _____.
• October 1 to September 30
Means-tested means _____.
• the benefits you receive from a program are partly based on your income.
The sources of revenue, in descending order from how large they are, consist of _____.
• individual income tax, social insurance tax, estate and gift tax, corporation tax, federal excise tax, ad custom duties.
Supply-side economics emphasizes _____.
• the role taxes play in the supply of output in the economy.
The laffer curve is _____.
• the relationship between the rates and revenue that says high tax rates could lead to less revenue from the gov’t.
A budget deficit is when _____, while a budget surplus is _____.
- the gov’t overspends in a given year
* gov’t revenue that exceeds expenses in a given year
Increases in deficit works through 3 channels: _____. These three are _____.
- increased transfer payments -> increased income of some households, offsets fall in households
- households that lose income will fall into a lower tax bracket, contribute to spending
- if corporate revenue falls, they fall into a lower tax bracket, leading them to have more revenue
- automatic stabilizers.
Deficits – are they bad? No says _____, while yes says _____.
- they serve as automatic stabilizers
* there is a potential for crowding out if the gov’t doesn’t “back off.”
Debt refers to _____ instead of a deficit where _____.
- total overspending
* there is one fiscal year of overspending
Monetizing the deficit refers to _____.
• purchases made by a central bank of newly issued gov’t bonds.
Ricardian equivalent is the proposition that _____.
• it doesn’t matter whether gov’t expenditure is financed by taxes or debt.