Chapter 18 Flashcards
Which of the following does not belong to e others? A. Lignin B. cellulose C. Glycogen D. Pectin
C. Glycogen
All of these are complex carbohydrates, but glycogen is produced by animal sources and is the only one of these that is digestible by humans
Which one is most commonly oxidized for energy? A. Fructose B. glucose C. Galactose D. Sucrose
B. glucose
Which one is not utilized for energy? A. Glucose B. glycogen C. Ribose D. Galactose
C. Ribose
Which tissue cannot store glycogen or lipids for energy A. Nervous B. skeletal muscle C. Liver D. Cardiac
A. Nervous
Nervous tissue, especially in the brain, cannot store carbohydrates and must receive a constant supply of glucose
Which one is not a protein derivative? A. Collagen B. keratin C. Hemoglobin D. Cortisol
D. Cortisol
Nutritional edema will develop in a ? Deficiency. A. Protein B. carbohydrate C. Lipid D. Electrolyte
A. Protein
Nutritional edema refers to the increase in tissue fluids due to the lower blood osmotic pressure caused by blood protein deficiencies, proteins are active osmotic molecules which remain within capillaries
How many calories are needed to raise 10 grams of water from 27 to 37 degrees Celsius
100 cal
The calorie (cal) is the amount of energy needed to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius
Which food would yield the greatest number of calories A. 10 grams steak B. 10 grams bread C. 10 grams cheese D. 15 gram rice
C. 10 gram cheese
Theoretically, fats yield 9.5 calories per gram while carbohydrate and protein each yield 4.1 calories in each gram. Therefore 10 grams of cheese would have the greates amount of fat calories
Which one would be most accurate in the assessment of a basal metabolic rate A. Oxygen consumption B. total calories consumed C. Total calories burned D. Blood pressure
A. Oxygen consumption
Since most energy reactions use oxygen and convert it to water, the consumption of oxygen would closely correlate with the total amount of energy being produced
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that can be used to synthesize the vitamin ? In human cells A. Riboflavin B. niacin C. Cyanocobalamin D. Folic acid
B. niacin
Niacin or nicotinic acid is found in plants and niacinamide is the animal form, humans can synthesize niacin from tryptophan
Coenzymes I and II have ? As part of their structures A. Folic acid B. pantothenate C. Niacin D. Riboflavin
C. Niacin
Niacin is part of NAD, coenzyme I or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and NADP or coenzyme II
Which one is a niacin defiency A. Beriberi B. rickets C, pellagra D. Megaloblastic anemia
C. Pellagra
Pellagra is a deficiency resulting in skin, digestive and neurological impairments
Beriberi results from thiamine deficiency
Pyridoxine is a chemical name for vitamin
B6 is called pyridoxine, pyridoxal, or pyridoxamine
Acetyl coenzyme A has ? In its structure A. Flavoprotein B. folic acid C. Niacin D. Pantothenic acid
D. Pantothenic acid
Pantothenic acid is absolutely essential because it is part of acetyl-coenzyme-A which enters the citric acid or Kreb’s cycle
Pernicious anemia will develop in the absence of intrinsic factor or vitamin ?
Cyan cobalamin is essential for the production of red blood cells, its absorption is gastric intrinsic factor
Choose the carbohydrate that is not a monosaccharide absorbed from the digestive tract A. Fructose B. maltose C. Galactose D. Glucose
B. maltose
Maltose is a disaccharide
Which cells of the body, under normal circumstances, must have energy in the form of glucose in order to survive A. Skin cells B. muscle cells C. Neurons D. Cells of the liver
C. Neurons
Neurons do not possess the enzymes necessary to process sources of energy
How does the body make use of dietary cholesterol?
It is used for structural material in cell membranes
Cholesterol is a vital portion of the cell membrane
The American heart association recommends that dietary fat should constitute no more than ? Of daily caloric intake
Daily input of fats should not exceed 30% of total calories
Which is not one of the ways the body uses dietary protein
A. To help regulate osmotic balance of the blood
B. as an energy source
C. For building and repairing tissue
D. To synthesize bile
D. To synthesize bile
In order to prevent protein loss, an adult must consume at least ? Grams of carbohydrate daily.
Estimates are around 100-125 gms of carbohydrates are required daily to prevent protein breakdown, amounts over 300 are probably excessive and can be converted to fats
Which of the following is most likely used for energy? A. Cholesterol B. triglycerides C. Phospholipid D. Fats
B. triglycerides
Of the lipids, the triglycerides are normally used for energy, cholesterol is the precursor for steroid hormones, and along with phospholipids, is never burnt for energy
Which one can be synthesized by the liver A. Cholesterol B. linolenic acid C. Arachidonic aid D. Linolenic acid
A. Cholesterol
Certain fatty acids such as linoleic acid cannot be synthesized in the liver and are called Essen because they must be supplied in the diet, the liver plays an active role in cholesterol biosynthesis
A diet that is ? % fat is considered healthy
Under 30%
The am heart association recommends less than 30% fat to reduce the risk of coronary disease, along with a preference of unsaturated over saturated fats
Which one is the usual precursor to the others A. Cholesterol B. lipoprotein C. Phospholipids D. Triglycerides
D. Triglycerides
Triglycerides provide the fatty acids and glycerol that can be used in the synthesis of other lipids
There are ? Essential amino acids that must be included in the diet of a child
There are 8 essential adult amino acids required for adults (some say 9)’ and 10 for children, there are 20 amino acids that are used to build human proteins.
Which is not an essential adult amino acid A. Methionine B. phenylalanine C. Isoleucine D. Alanine
D. Alanine
Arginine and ? Are additional amino acids that must be provided to children A. Glutamine B. glycine C. Histidine D. Cysteine
C. Histidine
There are two additional amino acids that must be supplied to growing children because their livers have not yet attained the capability to manufacture them on demand, arginine and histidine
Which one is an incomplete protein source A. Fish B. corn C. Poultry D. Milk
B. corn
Milk and fish are excellent sources of complete proteins, foods such as corn are incomplete because the zein (a prolamine protein) in them lacks tryptophan and lysine.
Which one of these functions is the least important for proteins? A. Become blood osmotic proteins B. convert to enzymes C. Utilization of energy D. Component of structure
B. utilization of energy
Blood albumin and other proteins are critical in maintaining osmotic pressure
The average basal metabolic rate requires one calorie of energy per hour for each ? Of body weight
Although body requirements vary greatly among the variables of age, sex, lifestyle and hormone levels, 1 calorie per kilogram per hour is a reasonable estimate
Which one does not tend to decrease basal metabolic rates? A. Being female B. larger individual C. Body temperature of 97degrees F D. Thyroxine levels
D. Thyroxine levels
Most females have higher metabolic rates
Which has the highest caloric usage per hour? A. Jogging B. walking up stairs C. Vigorous exercise D. Swimming
B. walking up stairs
The desirable weight for a 26 year old female who is 5feet and a medium frame is around ? Pounds
Persons are considered obese if their weight is ? Over the desired weight
The criterion for obesity is over 20% in excess of desired weight, overweight has the criteria of 10-20% over the weight
Which of the following is a water soluble vitamin A. A B. B C. D D. E
B vitamins
Which one does not contain vitamin A A. Carrots B. fish C. Milk D. Liver
A. Carrots
Vitamin A is converted into compounds necessary for vision such as the retinol pigment rhodopsin or visual purple
What causes vitamin A destruction?
Vitamin A is relatively stable under varying pH changes and food preparation but is unstable under sunlight and oxidizing conditions.
What is the most active form of vitamin D A. Dihydroxycholecalciferol B. cholecalciferol C. Hydroxycholecalciferol D. Ergocalciferol
A. Dehydroxycholecalciferol
Vitamin D is derived from cholecalciferol in the diet which is converted through a series of reactions into this active form
Which is the best source of vitamin D A. Natural cow's milk B. enriched milk C. Fortified milk D. Vegetables
C. Fortified milk
To fortify means to add nutrient, enriched means to partially replace a nutrient lost in processing, and steroids are only animal compounds
Vitamin D deficiency could result in poor
Bone growth
Since vitamin D is needed to allow calcium mobilization, the most obvious disease might be rickets or soft deformed bones
What vitamin is a potent anti oxidizing agent
Vitamin e
The most important vitamin which promotes normal blood clotting is vitamin
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is needed to synthesize the prothrombin by the liver needed for blood clotting
A rich source of vitamin K is
Leafy green vegetables are the best sources of vitamin K
Which one is not a B complex vitamin A. Niacin B. riboflavin C. Cyanocobalamin D. Phylloquione
D. Phylloquinone
Phylloquinone is vitamin K1
What is the most important vitamin for carbohydrate metabolism
B-complex vitamins
The most significant enzyme co-factors that are required for oxidation and energy production are found in the B vitamins
Cocarboxylase is an enzyme that utilizes the vitamin ? As part of its structure A. Thiamin B. niacin C. Riboflavin D. Folic acid
A thiamin
All enzymes require a vitamin as part of their coenzyme activators, thiamine is needed to oxidize carbohydrate
Alcoholics are particularly susceptible to develop a ? Deficiency A. Vitamin D B. vitamin E C. Thiamin D. Riboflavin
C. Thiamin
Since thiamin is neede to oxidize alcohol, alcoholics require more than the average amounts of thiamin
Vitamin C is necessary for the synthesis of
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is required for the production of the collagen fibers in skin, bone and other tissues
Vitamin C is closely related to ? In structure
Vitamins are distinct and do not belong to any typical chemical group, but ascorbic acid is remarkably similar to glucose but does not arise from it apparently
The most abundant minerals in the body are calcium
Because of their presence in bone and other tissue, calcium phosphate slats comprise about 75% of the minerals in the body.
Phosphate is important for which of the following A. Bone matrix B. ATP and energy reactions C. DNA and RNA D. All of these
D. All of these
Nucleic acids must have phosphates in them
Methionine and cysteine are unique amino acids because they contain the element
All amino acid contain C, H, O, and N but only two also contain sulfur, methionine and cysteine
The most abundant extracellular cation, conserved by aldosterone is
Of the positive ions, sodium is pumped out of cells by the sodium-potassium pump, blood levels are maintained by the action of aldosterone on the kidneys
Which ion is most important in oxygen transport
Iron is the nucleus of the hemoglobin pigment in red blood cells that bind to oxygen
The trace mineral ? Is essential for hemoglobin and neurological functions
Copper is required for red blood cell functioning, bone, melanin, and nerve functions although it is required in only small amounts
Nutrients that the body needs but can not synthesize on its own are called
Essential nutrients
Which one of theses carbohydrates is not a good source of energy for human? A. Beet sugar B. molasses C. Cellulose D. Fruits
C cellulose
Human do not possess the correct enzymes to break down cellulose
The basal metabolic rate (BMR) measures the rate of energy expenditure when
The body is awake but resting
The BMR is the amount of energy required to keep the awake body alive
Which vitamin is fat-soluble and has carotene as its precursor
Vitamin A
Beta carotene is a precursor to vitamin a
Intrinsic factor is necessary for the absorption of which vitamin
Vitamin B-12
With out intrinsic factor a deficiency in vitamin B-12 leads to pernicious anemia
Neural tube defects are easily prevented by the adequate intake of ? By the pregnant mother
Folacin or folic acid is necessary for proper neural development
Which major mineral makes a major contribution to the solution concentration of extracellular fluids?
Sodium is the most abundant extracellular cation
The trace element ? Is necessary for wound healing, and a deficiency of it results in depressed immunity
Leukocytes need zinc to properly function
What term is used to describe the synthesis of a cellular protien
Which one is a disaccharide A. Lactose B. glucose C. Fructose D. Galactose
A lactose
Lactose is glucose and galactose hooked together
The carbohydrate ? Is critical for the function of genes
Deoxyribose is the sugar of DNA
What carbohydrate can be found in steak
Steak is animal muscle, and thus contains abundant animal polysaccharides or glycogen
An essential compound not readily synthesized in the liver
Linoleic acid
Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid
A diet that contains ? Will have sufficient amino acids
Rice and beans
Rice and bean combined contain all essential amino acids
How many calories are produced from 10g carbohydrate, 5g fat and 2g protein
4.4 x 10 carbs (44) + 4.4 x 2 protein (9) + 9.5 x5 fat (47) =100
Which one influence basal metabolic rate to the greatest extent A. Thyroid hormone B.a high fat diet C. More than 3,000 calorie diet D. Cigarette smoking
A.thyroid hormone
Thyroid hormones exert a direct affect on the metabolism of most body cells
Which one is the hormonally active form of vitamin D? A. Ergocalciferol B. dihydroxycholecalciferol C. Cholecalciferol D. Vitamin D -
B. dihydroxycholecalciferol
Dihydroxycholecalciferol or calcitriol acts in the small intestine
Hemorrhage could occur because of lack of sufficient vitamin
Vitamin K is necessary for the production of clotting proteins
The most essential vitamin required to allow carbon to enter the citric acid cycle is
Pantothenaic acid
With out pantothenic acid, acetic acic can not enter the citric acid
A deficiency of carbohydrate in the diet can cause muscle tissue to degenerate
T or F
A lack of adequate carbohydrate in the diet will cause the liver and skeletal muscles to break down their proteins and convert structures such as muscle proteins into glucose
Infants have a higher probability of developing lipid deficiencies than adults
T or F
Nutritionists recommend that 3% of the energy intake in the infant formula be the form of the essential linoleic fatty acid, recall that the liver in an infant is immature and does not have the capabilities to synthesize all needed compounds
Complete proteins are those that contain all the amino acids required for an adult in the diet.
T or F
Complete protiens contain the eight essential amino acids but not all 20 that are used by humans
A child usually develops a positive nitrogen balance in comparison to an adult
T or F
A positive nitrogen balance occurs whenever the body uses protiens to build tissues in excess of the amount that is oxidized or lost, children have anabolic rates that exceed catabolic
Kwashiorkor is characterized by edema and retardation
T or F
Protien deficiencies lead to the mental retardation and bloated bellies or as cites seen in undeveloped countries
The average adult requires 1,000 calories per hour per Kg body weight each day in the diet
T or F
Adults require around 1,500 kcal or 1,500,000 calories each day
A bomb calorimeter is used to determine how many calories a person will obtain from their food
T or F
The food in a bomb calorimeter is burned completely to determine to the total calories in a food sample, foods are never completely oxidized in metabolism, therefore these values are actually higher than normal physiologic values
The basal metabolic rate is the average energy consumed by a person each day
T or F
The BMR is the minimal energy expenditure assessed at rest following a fast
Shivering during the cold is a result of the lower metabolic rate of the body in response to lower temperature
T or F
The greatest source of heat is from skeletal muscle contraction, which is brought about by the hypothalamus in response to temperature receptors
A gain in weight will occur when a person has a positive energy balance
T or F
A positive energy balance occurs when the intake of calories exceeds the output, the excess nutrients are converted to fats stored in tissues such as liver and adipose
Studies have shown that persons who were over their desired weights by as much as 10 pounds actually live longer
T or F
Current research has indicated that in reality people live longer when their weights are slightly higher than those found in desired weight tables
All persons who weigh 30% in excess of their body weight are considered obese
T or F
They are obese if the excess is due to body adipose but not obese if the excess is due to muscle hypertrophy such as in athletes
A person could lose weight during exercise and still be considered obese even if their weight was normal
T or F
Some forms of diet and exercise accomplish a weight reduction from loss of body water, since the amount of adipose remains the same the person quickly returns to the original obese condition
A person with a deficient fat intake may develop vitamin E deficiency also
T or F
Since certain vitamins such as E are fat soluble, it is possible to have a deficiency either by diet or low body fat
Degenerate skin changes could be the result of either hypervitaminosis A or deficiency
T or F
Vitamins, especially the fat soluble, must be obtained optimal levels, maximal and minimal amounts will cause physiologic alterations
Infants may develop a fatal hemorrhagic disease because of their deficiency of intestinal bacteria
T or F
Intestinal organisms produce vitamin K which is needed to clot properly, all infants are sterile and must be given a supplement
Deficiencies of folacin lead to megalobastic anemia
T or F
Abnormally large and defective red blood cells Amy result from folic acid (folacin, folinic acid) deficiency
Biotin is most significant in promoting carbohydrate metabolic pathways
T or F
Biotin is most important in the reactions of amino acids, fatty acids and nucleic acids
Scurvy develops from Vitamin C deficiency
T or F
Scurvy causes bone, joint, and tooth abnormalities that manifest as bleeding gums and painful joints
Potassium is critically important for nerve and muscle conductivity and must be maintained at high blood levels
T or G
Potassium is found in highest concentration within cells because of the activity of the sodium potassium membrane pump
Anorexia is a term that means loss of appetite
T or F
Anorexia means loss of appetite and the major symptom of the psychological condition called anorexia nervosa which has many causes
Beef and codfish are a source of complex carbohydrates
T or F
Skeletal muscle stores the complex carbohydrate glycogen which is a polymer of glucose
Excess protein in the diet can cause obesity
T or F
Amino acids can be turned into lipids
Excess proteins in the diet usually cause a state of nutritional edema
T or F
Deficiency of protein cause nutritional edema
Vegetables are a good source of the vitamin A required for vision
T or F
Retinol ( the proper form of vitamin A) only comes from animal sources