Chapter 17: Safety And Investigations And Analysis Flashcards
Company officer II may be tasked with investigating and analyzing the ______, _______, _________ and ________ that members of the organization sustain.
Heath exposures
Hazards can occur in what 6 instances while performing firefighting duties.
En route
At the scene
Returning from a scene
At facilities
In apparatus
At non-emergency operations
The ________ is responsible for the development of an organizational risk management plan.
Chief executive officer
All organizational personnel must be familiar with the organizational _________.
Risk management plan
According to NFPA ______, an organization should adopt an official written risk management plan.
OSHA refers to frequency as _______.
Incident rate
Injuries or accidents that occur repeatedly will continue until the ________ are identified and control measures are implemented.
Root causes
___________ is the most basic reason and the source or origin for an accident.
Root cause
Incidents of high frequency and high severity should receive the _________ priority.
_________: avoiding activities that created the risk.
Risk avoidance
__________: physically transferring risk to someone else or purchase insurance.
Risk transfer
Implementing effective _____________ is the most common method used for risk management.
Control measures
Implementing a risk management plan requires ________, __________ and ____________.
The application of the risk management plan takes place ________.
The risk management plan should be reviewed as s whole at least _________.
Once annually
The evaluation of a risk management plan compares _______ results to its ______ results.
Accidents are usually _______ events resulting from unsafe acts and/i.e. conditions.
To reduce potential accidents or severity of accidents, the organization must develop an __________.
Accident investigation policy
The Health Safety Officer and the Safety and Health Committee will have the _________ authority in accident investigations.
Accident investigations should be _______, ________, and directed toward _________, not fault-finding.
During accident investigations, _________ is a prominent human factor.
Human error
Workers who fail to control the factors leading to an accident because of _______, _______ or _______ reasons will be involved in accidents more often than other workers.
Organizations can mitigate human error through : (3)
Technical revision
___________: willful disregard, recklessness, irresponsibility, laziness, disloyalty, uncooperativness, fearfulness. Can be adjusted through counseling, coaching, mentoring, training or discipline.
Improper attitude
_____________: misunderstanding, indecision, inexperience, poor training, of failure to recognize potential hazard. Reduced/eliminated through training, coaching, and mentoring.
Lack of knowledge or skill
____________: problems of hearing, sight, weight height, illness, allergies, disabilities, intoxication.
Physically unsuited
Our ___________ is to provide medical assistance to the affected individual.
First priority
_______ and _______ of the individual takes precedence over investigating the cause.
Job-related illnesses or the symptoms of health-related exposures may not become evident for _________ or longer.
Hours, days, weeks
It may be more appropriate to enroll the employee in a _________ to document any health changes that may be related to an exposure.
Medical surveillance program
Analyzing __________ provides the organization with the opportunity to prevent future accidents, injuries, illness, or exposures.
Health and safety reports
The organization’s chief officers, jurisdictions medical examiner, OSHA and NIOSH investigators usually investigate _________ involving responders.
All workplace accidents are the result of: (3)
Unsafe acts
Unsafe conditions
Or both
The number of injuries and deaths have _________ in the past decade.