Chapter 13: Human Resource Management II Flashcards
A group is ____ or more people with common goals that may or may not be explicitly stated.
Formal groups usually defined common goals in a __________.
Written document
An Emergency response unit is a _________ of responders who interact to meet common goals that the organizations mission, policies, and procedures outlined.
Formal group
A friendship is an __________.
Informal group
The company officer the the ________ leader.
Formal group’s
A group may exhibit the following 5 essential characteristics:
Common binding interest
Group image or identity
Since of continuity
Shared values
Roles within the group
_________ is one of the greatest influences on the success of the group.
Group image
Define esprit de corps.
Positive self image
In _________, the leader is usually either assigned or elected.
Formal groups
In ________, a natural or indigenous leader emerges.
Informal groups
Influences that determine the company officer’s perception of his/her role are: (3)
The role expectations of the organization
Group members
The officers own concept of what it means to be a company officer
When group members recognize the officers _______, the group members will be able to carry out orders, tasks, and assignment with minimum supervision.
The groups ______ determines the group members productivity.
As relationships within the group grow, trust and respect develop and members begin to see themselves as part of the group.
Conflict may result as members jockey for informal leadership or try to exert their own influence over the group.
The group establishes it’s own set of norms and values.
The supervisor maintains team spirit as the group accomplishes its objectives.
The final stage is the termination of the group task. Acknowledging The group’s accomplishments and the participation of the individual members takes place at this time.
Company officers to fail to control ________ will lose the respect of the unit members.
Disruptive behavior
When ______ members, officers expectations are stated positively and behavior limitations are set. This may be used for discipline, to determine the cause of inappropriate behavior, and establish a means of correcting it.
_______ guides the individual through a new activities, reinforces correct behavior, and redirects incorrect behavior.
Providing ________ means assigning any more experienced member to work with the new member.
Peer assistance
When _______ members, superiors act as advisers or guides to the member.
Fire/emergency service organizations have a formalized process to follow when documenting behavior issues, which may include completing a _________.
Counseling form
When disciplinarian action becomes necessary, ________ of the situation will be critical in supporting formal action.
The objective of disciplinary action is to change __________.
Inappropriate behavior
This process gives motivational correction, positive reinforcement, and constructive feedback to subordinates in order to maintain and improve their performance.
Coaching needs to be ______, ______, ______ and ________.
__________ is used as a basis for a buddy system that pairs an experience member with a new employee during the probationary period.
Peer assistance
_______ are selected for their experience, interest, patience, and communication abilities.
Company officers should periodically evaluate their personal on an _______ basis.
Employees can be formally evaluated for the following reasons: (4)
During probationary period
Annually as part of a performance review
For promotional purposes
For disciplinary/non-disciplinary purposes
_________ may be provided on a quarterly or semiannual basis to allow the individual to alter or improve performance before an annual evaluation.
Performance feedback
A __________ allows the supervisor to document the individual’s performance in terms of strengths, weaknesses, and improvements.
Personnel evaluation program
Personnel evaluation programs are ________ systematic procedures for appraising employees abilities and accomplishments within the organization.
Personnel evaluations must be: (7)
Stated clearly
Not discriminatory
Conducted by training supervisors
The ______ process is an opportunity to reinforce positive performance or to generate change in employees behavior.
Employees file _______ when they perceive that they have been unfairly treated.
The grievance procedure needs to be: (3)
Provide an equitable resolution
_______ is corrective measures that are used to get employees to meet standards and adhere to policies.
Discipline must be _____, ______ and ________.
2 types of discipline
__________ discipline results when reasonable rules of conduct are established and are fairly and consistently applied.
_________ discipline: corrective action when an employee disobeys the established rules or performance requirements.
_______ are corrected through behavior, usually using private, and informal counseling.
Minor violations
Company officers should continue the discipline process up the chain of command when a ________ occurs.
Serious violation
_________ discipline usually starts with training and/or education. It is used to correct the first instance an employee fails to meet performance standards or violates the rules of conduct.
Progressive discipline can escalate to _______ measures for additional offenses.
__________ action is used to correct inappropriate behavior as soon as it is discovered.
________ action is used when an employee repeats a violation for which preventative actions were taken or commits a different violation.
_________ actions is used when an employee continues to exhibit inappropriate behavior or commits a very serious violation as a first offense.
Most company officers will only be responsible for ________ action.
___________ is the key to growth.
Professional development
___________ identifies specific areas of interest or duty positions personnel might like to achieve.
Job shadowing
NFPA ______ requires the fire officer II to create a professional development plan for a subordinates who is preparing for a promotional examination.
The professional development planning process is like a roadmap. It includes the employees _____, ______ and _______.
Current situation
Intermediate objectives
Final goal
A group is a collection of people who: (4)
Share certain traits
Interact with one another
Accept rights and obligations as members of the group
Share a common identity
A program in which an individual can learn a particular skill set by following an active practitioner in the field.
Job shadowing
To maintain order through training and/or the threat or imposition of sanctions; setting and enforcing the limits for boundaries for expected performance.
A process that involves having unit personnel assistant each other in learning teamwork or perfecting new skills.
Peer assistance