Chapter 17 Respiratory Emergencies Flashcards
Adventitious breath sounds
Abnormal; wheezes, rhonchi, crakles
Condition caused by botolinum toxin that causes muscle paralysis.
Carpopedal spasm
Contortion of hand or foot where finger/toes flex in clawlike manner; caused by hyperventilation or hypocalcemia.
Crakling sounds signaling fluid in the smaller air passages of the lungs; (rales)
Infection that causes lining of pharynx and can obstruct the airway
Lung disease where alveoli are dilated and destroyed; results in poor perfusion; one form of COPD
Guillain-barre syndrome
Disease that causes progressive paralysis moving from feet to head; may need respiratory support if paralysis reaches diaphragm
Inspiratory/expiratory (I/E) ratio
Length of inspiration with expiration; normal 1:2
Meningococcal meningitis
Inflammation of meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord; can be contagious
Pertussis (whooping cough)
Airborne bacterial infection affecting children younger than 6; feverish, “whoop” on inspiration; highly contagious through droplet
Pleural effusion
Collection of fluid between lung and chest wall, may compress lungs.
Pleural friction rub
Squeaking or grating sound that occurs wen the pleural linings rub together, may be heard on inspiration/expiration; commonly caused by inflammation of the pleura
Pleuritic chest pain
Sharp, stapping pain in the chest that worsens with deep breath or chest wall movement; often caused by inflammation of the pleura.
Infection of the lung that damages lung tissue
Lung inflammation caused by chemical/dust inhalation, radiation, or aspiration;
Pulmonary embolism
A blood clot that breaks off form a large vein and travels to the blood vessels of the lung causing an obstruction of blood flow.
Full of pus