Chapter 17: Cold/Korean War Flashcards
Chiang Kai-Shek
Leader of nationalist government in china and a us ally
Mao Zedong
Leader of communist china
Kim II sung
South Korean leader
Syngman Rhee
North Korean leader
Bao dai
Lead in Vietnam and friendly towards the us
Antonio guterres
Current leader of the UN
Nikita Khrushchev
Premier of the Soviet Union
President during the Cuban missile crisis
V.M Molotov
Soviet ambassador
Ussr leader
Won 1948 election
Set up CIA
Supreme commander
Dean Acheson
Secretary of State under Truman
Central role in defining American foreign policy
Thomas Dewey
1948 election republican candidate
John foster dulles
Eisenhower’s primary advisor
George Kennan
Diplomat at us embassy in Moscow
X article
Harry Hopkins
Roosevelts closest advisor
Led UN forces in Korean War
Landed troops at Inchon
George Marshall
Secretary of State and defense under Truman
Chief of staff under FDR
Walter Lippmann
American journalist who coined the term Cold War
Coined term iron curtain
Cold War
State of geopolitical tension between sockets and the US and its NATO allies
Developing nations
Cuba Iran Egypt etc ( places where hot wars had happened )
Truman and Eisenhower containment policies
Policy at keeping communism from spreading