Chapter 16 The Peloponnesian War 431 - 399 BC Flashcards
Athenian Aristocrat leader that negotiated a treaty with Sparta
Archidamian War
War that broke out because Sparta saw that Athens would keep centralizing power until she became irresistibly strong
imaginative Athenian general that hoped to use allies to force Boeotia and Corinth onto Athen’s side and defeat Sparta
Demosthenes thought this was a good base for raiding Sparta and encouraging helots to revolt.
long narrow island, blacked Spartans ships
Spartan general who commanded one ship, was wounded several times trying to establish a bridgehead.
an Alcmaeonid, felt personally insulted by the treaty that Nicias negotiation with Sparta
-his family once represented Spartan interests in Athens
independent Cycladic island that Athens forced to join the empire and pay tribute.
-Athens gave them an ultimatum, join or be destroyed
Spartan general sent to assist Syracusans in Seige of Syracuse 415 - 413 BC
Sparta fortified this hill and garrisoned it year round, forcing thousands of Athenian peasants to move inside Athen’s walls
“the god Baal has given me grace”; Cathage’s general that shipped 100,000 men and advanced siege machines to Sicily in the war (412 - 404 BC)
405 BC; Former follower of Hermocrates harnessed anger against generals and persuaded Assembly to recall its exiles, who were under obligation to ____ personally
The Four Hundred
411 BC; said they would draw up a list of 5000 men of property who would form the new government of Athens
essayist and friend of Socrates
wrote around 360 BC,
Began is how Greek history where Thucydides stops, but with new detail and understanding
admiral in Sparta
-forged a friendship with Agesilaus, half brother of King Agis of Sparta,
The Thirty
A council of thirty oligarchs established by Lysander to rule Athens, he ordered them to restore Athens “ancestral constitution”
small statues that turned away evil.
-a block of stone with a face and an erect penis
Peace of Nicias
concluded in 421, stopped fighting between Athens and Sparta but left many things unsettled to bring real peace
Demogague in Athens that influenced the Assembly to reject the offer of a truce from Sparta, certain that once Athens held the Spartiates hostage, she would get much better terms