Chapter 15 5th Century Drama Flashcards
Athenian that wrote 7 tragedies of the 33 surviving plays (525 - 456 BC)
- Accredited with anatgonists in 480 BC
- All his work had at least two actors
(490 - 404 BCE); wrote 7 tragedies,
- liked to show dignity of noble individuals caught in overwhelming crises with superior/divine forces.
- his heros were lonely and unbending, learning how to behave too late.
More survives of his work than Aeschylus’ and Sophocles’’ 18 works; 7 tragedies, 11 plays.
- subjected traditional myths to rigorous scrutiny and severe criticism or ridicule.
- His characters are often deflated heros, mortals.
- His famous play is Medea about divorce in a monogamous society.
-tragedy evolved from this
hymns to Dionysus in the form of dance and song by choruses of fifteen or so members and a leader.
“first actor”; first 25 years of dithyrambs had one actor
-two different actors that switch personalities throughout the play
Aristotle says Aeschylus transformed the genre in the 470s BCE by adding a second actor and reducing the chorus’ role. This second actor is the _
- group of three trilogies by Aeschylus
- “Story of Orestes” 458 BCE in which a third actor is used
- ultimate end point of tragedy
City Dionysia
festival honoring the god of wine that Pisistratus reformed from an older ceremoney
- gigantic public symposium for the whole demos occurred in March after spring harvest
- government subsidized all of it.
-actors would perform and then take breaks and chorus would sing
“side-songs” portions of dialogue interspersed with stasima
Dramatic need
-certain situations requrie certain actions to take place
something the protagonist wants which drives the plot of drama’s
- turning point of a tragedy is ___
- starts with a realization (anagnorisis)
aristocratic characters in a tragedy experience “recognition” which is called ___
-like when Oedipus realized he was the one that killed his dad and slept with his mom
-directly the result of what a person has done
aristocratic characters in a tragedy experience a “down-turning” called ____
what leads to katastrophe is the role of “missing the mark” or “mistake” which is called ____
Produced the first complete comedy, the Acharnians in 425 that attacked Cleon and was then sued for it
-eleven of his complete comedies survive